The study of rotation frequency of the GTE ceramic segmental bearing internal ring impact on its strength

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Semenova A. S.*, Kuz’min M. V.**, Kirsanov A. R.***

Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau, branch of the United Engine Corporation – Ufa Engine Industrial Association, 13, Kasatkina str., Moscow, 129301, Russia



Metal rolling bearing are employed traditionally in rotor supports. These bearings disadvantages are high friction coefficient, limited rotation frequency and their susceptibility to the severe wear.

Implementation of new technologies and materials enabled application of ceramic bearings. These bearings advantage over the metal ones consists in:

– low adhesion of mating parts, low friction coefficient;

– non-magnetic properties, high operating temperature;

– chemical resistance in aggressive environments, high strength.

Traditionally, the performance check of such bearings are the tests, which require heavy economic and time spending that may be reduced by numerical simulation with modern software packages.

Numerical computation of ceramics strength characteristics of represents a problem, since it is associated with the need to build an adequate micro-cracks propagation model in inhomogeneous structures.

This article presents a model of Johnson-Holmquist (J-H) ceramics deformation and fracture, which allows estimating a micro-fracture, as well as the time and place of cracks initiation.

The fracture mathematical modeling in the J-H model is based on introduction of the fracture parameter (D), defining the degree of material continuity loss, as well as equations describing the D parameter changes in the loaded material. The fracture parameter growth is associated with deformations accumulation.

Simulation of several options of the internal ring corresponding to the real structures (conventional ring and a ring with a slit) by the finite element method was performed for the technique for the bearing strength estimation try-out. The model was being loaded by the centrifugal force in time, applied linearly, from zero to full destruction. The ceramic ring material was Carboprom-K. The properties of the analog, namely silicon carbide, were employed for the damages analysis.


plain bearings, silicon carbide, plasticity damage model, Johnson Holmquist model, ceramics destruction criterion


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