Correcting propulsion unit for freon running nano-satellites

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Babanina O. V.*, Gasanbekov K. N.**, Prokhorenko I. S.***

Special Technology Center (STC), Saint-Petersburg, Russia



The article presents the results of the correcting propulsion unit development of two nominal sizes for nano- satellites of CubeSat 3U and 12U format based on a low-thrust Freon-running thruster. Working medium selection analysis for the engine type being developed is presented. Freon R-236fa, R-227ea and RC-318 are being considered as a working medium. This Freon special feature consist in the possibility of its storage in the saturated state under the pressure less than 1 MPa (10 atm). The average specific impulse and thrust of the engine being developed are of no less than 392 m/s (40 s) and 0,015 N respectively at the temperature of the Freon being considered of T =293 K.

In the course of these propulsion units development, the following elements were newly developed, namely tanks, small-sized low-pressure control valve, small-size feeding device, receiver and a low-thrust engine, representing gas-dynamic nozzle. Application of Freon as a working medium allowed abnegating the high-pressure fittings. The pressure in the saturated state Freon, considered in the article, is no more than 1 MPa within the temperature range from 273 to 313 K.

The overall dimension of the developed propulsion unit are of no more than 1U. Its weight is about 1.4 kg for the CubeSat 3U format nano-satellite with the propulsion unit peak energy consumption of no more than 17 W. Based on the estimation, the total thrust impulse of the unit will be about 138 N × s. Characteristic velocity margin will be of 24 m/s with the tank volume of 0.25 liters for the satellite of the 5.6 kg total mass.

The overall dimension of the developed propulsion unit are of no more than 4U. Its weight is about 5.0 kg for the CubeSat 12U format nano-satellite with the propulsion unit peak energy consumption of no more than 10 W. Based on the estimation, the total thrust impulse of the unit will be about 1250 N × s. Characteristic velocity margin will be of 24 m/s with the tank volume of 2.2 liters for the satellite of the 20 kg total mass.

The result of the presented consists in the development of the propulsion units of two different standard sizes based on Freon propellant, which allow performing such maneuvers as satellite position on its orbit correction, and correction of the parameters of the orbit itself, as well as the satellite de-orbiting.


correcting propulsion unit, halocarbon, Freon, nano-satellite


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