Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
*, **Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article is reviewing the history of emergence and development of descent vehicles with inflatable structural elements. Descent vehicles equipped with inflatable braking devices possess the following advantages:
The payload volume fraction increase under the launch vehicle fairing.
The diameter of the inflatable braking systems is not limited by the size of the launch vehicle fairing.
The folded inflatable braking system does not block access to the payload
The article presents also specifics of the descent vehicles with inflatable braking devices. These specifics are entailed by the inflatable braking devices deformation occurring while their motion in the atmosphere. They are:
The descent vehicle aerodynamic characteristics changing.
The descent vehicle the dynamic stability changing.
The authors educed the ongoing research relevance, which was confirmed by works of Russian and foreign scientists.
The object of the research is a descent vehicle with a conical inflatable braking device, which control is being perpetrated by the center of mass shifting. The hypothesis in the ongoing work is the control method, namely, the center of mass displacement on account of the payload rotation.
A study of the angular motion that occurs during the descent vehicle control was conducted to confirm the said hypothesis.
A mathematical model, accounting for the considered control method specifics, was developed to study the angular motion of the descent vehicle. Solution of the equations of the mathematical model was performed for several cases of initial conditions of motion. Simulation results are presented in the form of graphical dependencies, reflecting the points’ movement trajectories on the descent vehicle surface, as well as angular velocities changing in the process of movement. Inference was drawn for each of the considered cases of the initial conditions of motion.
Solution of the mathematical model equations was performed by the 4th-order Runge-Kutta method.
Analysis of the results allowed drawing the inference on the descent vehicle angular motion stability, as well as revealing further trends of studying the control method being considered.
inflatable braking device, payload angular position, displacement control of the center of mass, angular velocity vector hodograph, dependencies between the angular velocities projections, descent vehicle inertial properties, descent vehicle angular motionReferences
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