Duplex vacuum ion-plasma coatings synthesis technology of the TiZrAIN system for energy installations parts

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science


Grigor’ev S. N.*, Volosova M. A.**, Sukhova N. A.***, Shekhtman S. R.****

Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", 1, Vadkovsky lane, Moscow, 127994, Russia

*e-mail: s.grigoriev@stankin.ru
**e-mail: m.volosova@stankin.ru
***e-mail: nad_suhova@mail.ru
****e-mail: shex@inbox.ru


The article considers the up-to-date problem of the power plant parts resource enhancing. One of this problem solution consists in synthesis of duplex coatings, representing multi-layer coatings being created by successive surface modification, and coating precipitation in the unitary operational space. The surface layer ion-plasma nitration in the plasma of non-self-maintained high-current discharge, generated by the “PINK” plasma generator is employed as a surface modification method. A method of condensation with ion bombardment is applied as a plasma-ion method for protective coatings obtaining. The authors proposed obtaining duplex coatings of the TiZrAIN system on the HNV 6.6-I1 modernized chamber-type installation equipped with the electric arc evaporators with Ti, Zr and Al cathodes.

With a view to vacuum ion-plasma coatings with the complex of enhanced operational properties creating a technology for duplex coatings of the TiZrAIN system, including successive employment of ion-plasma nitration and ion-plasma deposition in the unitary operational space was created. These two technological processes combining in the unitary operational space is performed without vacuum chamber depressurizing and overloading substrates being processed. The TiZrAIN system coatings synthesis was being performed under conditions of plasma assisting by the “PINK” plasma generator. A system of the magnetic-arc filtration for the electric arc evaporator with Al-cathode is being employed while coatings deposition, which allows accomplishing separation of the drop phase of low-melting aluminum, and contributes to substantial drop phase reduction in the coating and initial substrate roughness retention.

Samples of the 20 mm diameter and 3 mm height were obtained for studying micro-hardness, adhesive strength and corrosion resistance. The studies of the duplex coating of the TiZrAlN system synthesized by the developed technology were being performed in comparison with the multi-layer coating obtained by the vacuum ion-plasma method, as well as with the duplex coating obtained by successive pursuance of the ion-plasma nitration, and synthesis of the vacuum-ion coating (without plasma current separation).

The synthesized coatings surface micro-hardness measuring revealed that duplex coatings micro-hardness was higher compared to the multilayer coating, which is being associated with the coating surface layer application on the surface already strengthened by the ion-plasma nitration. Surface micro-hardness of the duplex coating being synthesized, obtained without plasma separation was 45.2 GPa, 46.6 GPa fabricated by the developed technology, while the multi-layer coating micro-hardness was 35.3 GPa.

The study of micro-photos of scratches and profile protocols of the fracture zones obtained while scratch-testing revealed that duplex coatings synthesized by the developed technologies was being characterized by the enhanced adhesive strength. Loading of the first cracks origination in the duplex coatings is 20 mN, whereas the one of multilayer coatings is 14.83 mN.

Corrosion rate studies revealed that with the duplex coating with plasma flux separation it was 11.7% less than the samples with duplex coating without plasma flux separation and 30.1% less than for the samples with multilayer coating. Consequently, the surface of the coating synthesized by the developed technology is more passive, which indicates its higher corrosion resistance.

The conducted studies results confirmed the prospective of the developed technology of duplex coatings synthesis application for the power plants parts protection from abrasive, corrosive and erosion impacts.


vacuum-plasma coatings, duplex coatings, ion assisting, magnetic arc filtering, nitriding


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