Aerodynamic performance of intake pack on upper surface of subsonic aircraft tail section

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Kazhan E. V.1*, Korotkov Y. V.1**, Lysenkov A. V.1***, Orekhovskii V. V.1****, Arkhipov A. V.2*****

1. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia
2. Myasishchev Design Bureau (MDB), Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, Russia



The presented study deals with the air intake pack in the M-60 family fuselage configuration and its aerodynamic characteristics in particular. The study is up-to-date since the said air intake device layout appeared rather successful in the studies of other authors and needs more thorough analysis of its specifics. The purpose of this work consists in evaluating the intake performance in various operating modes and the effects of the reciprocal effect of the air intake packs when applying a partition between them.

The article presents numerical and experimental studies results generalization of prospective subsonic passenger aircraft layout studying with packet mode mounting of the dual-engine power plant on the airframe upper surface in the aircraft tail part with oval fuselage. The main positive feature of this configuration is an opportunity of shielding noise, caused while the power plant running, on the terrain by the airframe elements, and propulsion system protection from foreign objects from the runway during takeoff and landing. Several options of the air intake device layout were considered, and air intake device type effect on the gas-dynamic parameters of the flow in the cross-section of the engine inlet under its various operation modes were assessed.

The air intake characteristics in the layout on the fuselage upper surface are on the level of typical values for conventional layouts with the engines placed in engine nacelles on pylons under the wing at basic flight modes at rated engine operation modes with the numbers of 0.1 ≤ M ≤ 0.4. With the M number growth the values of the total pressure recovery coefficient decreases, and at M = 0.8 reduction of the values obtained while tests reaches Δν ≈ 2 ÷ 4% compared to the aircraft classical underwing layout.

The results of the work allowed revealing the effects of packet mode air intakes mutual interaction while nominal operation violation of one of the engines with air consumption reduction through the air intake. With air consumption reduction through the one air intake (auxiliary) from q(λ)aux = 0.72 to q(λ)aux ~ 0.2, the average total pressure recovery coefficient in the second air intake (main) operating with the rated consumption of q(λ)main = 0.72 = const reduces to the value of Δv ≈ 1.3–2% at M = 0.8.

It was clarified that introduction of a plate-partition and/or the channel inlet beveling allowed attenuating the air intakes negative mutual interaction.

The air intake performance may be improved by employing the “low wing monoplane” layout. This layout is more favorable for ensuring necessary working conditions for the air intake, which is associated with a more intensive boundary layer run-over down the fuselage from the air intake inlet location.


intake device, twin-engine propulsion system layout, total pressure recovery coefficient


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