Innovative approach to radiation protection ensuring of inhabited space bases

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Alifanov O. M.*, Ermakov V. Y.**, Tufan A. ***, Biryukova M. V.****, Vasikov D. V.*****

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Habitable space bases are a theoretical autonomous habitat that can be orbital, orbiting a planet, or located directly on its surface. The main purpose of the habitable space bases construction is a more detailed study of the Solar System planets and space objects.

When considering the issue on promising habitable space bases creation, special attention is being paid to protection from charged particles, which impact is one of the main problems concerning the health of astronauts and operability of the onboard electronic equipment, such as computers, sensors, etc. To solve this problem, protection methods, which are divided into the two main groups: active and passive, can be employed. The results of computational and experimental studies of the active protection of habitable space modules from charged particles, as well as passive, including experimental studies of samples of vibration dampers, were analyzed. It was found that the thickness of the material for housing manufacturing significantly affects the radiation dose, which gives an initial assessment of the habitable space modules design. The article presents a mathematical model of active protection, the results of numerical integration of the dependence of the longitudinal deflection and the velocity of the longitudinal deflection of the electron, as well as the computational dependence of the magnetic contribution to the Lorentz force on the kinetic energy of charged particles. The authors proposed a multilayer design of habitable space modules, between of which layers promising and innovative nanomaterials are such as magnetic fluid and polyethylene spheres coated with magnetite are placed. The active protection principle herewith with a magnetic fluid application consists in the fact that charged particles are being absorbed by the magnetic fluid under the impact of the electromagnetic field, and the necessary energy is created by these particles rotation in an electromagnetic field, which speed is being regulated by the control system. The authors analyzed the results of irradiation from gamma radiation, which indicate effectiveness of the proposed habitable space modules design in creating highly effective radiation screens intended for biological and technical objects protection.


inhabited space base, active radiation protection, circular polarization, polyethylene hollow spheres, magnetite coating, multi-layer module design, magnetic fluid, gamma radiation


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