Weight efficiency of the design of a passenger aircraft barrel with a nonregular lattice structural layout

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Levchenkov M. D.*, Dubovikov E. A.**, Mirgorodskii Y. S.***, Fomin D. Y.****, Shanygin A. N.*****

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia

*e-mail: mihalevch@mail.ru
**e-mail: evgeny.dubovikov@tsagi.ru
***e-mail: mirgorodskii@phystech.edu
****e-mail: danil.fomin@tsagi.ru
*****e-mail: alexander.shanygin@tsagi.ru


The article deals with studying the weight effectiveness dependence on the bay loading level when applying lattice structural-force diagram (SFD) in the structure of the passenger aircraft bay. The purpose of the work consisted in determining at what loading levels this SFD would provide the greatest benefit compared to the conventional metal structure and a composite structure of the “black metal” type while accounting for some technological and regulatory restrictions.

A series of optimization computations were conducted, and dependencies of weights of the optimal bays in various implementation (metal, “black metal” composite and latticework) on the loading level were obtained for this task completion. Weight optimization was performed with the genetic optimization algorithm with the project variables in the form of geometrical and topological parameters of the bays structural elements. Values of limitations were determined by the software for the finite element model (FEM) building of the bay and data interpreting of the Nastran solver developed by the authors. The values of the bay elements stress-strain state and general and local stability margin were optimization constraints. The beam bending and torsional stiffness was an extra limitation for composite bays, corresponding to stiffness obtained as the result of optimization of the metal version of the bay, since this parameter was included into the regulatory restrictions while the aircraft composite bays developing, though it does not determine the bay carrying capacity. Optimization was performed under the condition of the bay loading by combination of bending moment, shearing force and pressure typical for the aircraft flight. Weights obtained while optimization were determined at the loading levels corresponding to 100%, 50% and 25% of the bending moment and shearing force.

Additionally, the dependences of the masses of the lattice barrels were obtained with a decrease in the stiffness requirements by 25% and 50% of the actual stiffness of the metal barrel. Dependencies of the latticework by weight with the stiffness requirements reduction by 25 and 50% from the actual stiffness of the metal bay were additionally obtained.

The obtained dependencies indicate a significant weight benefit (from 15 to 25%) from the latticework scheme. The weight benefit increases while less loaded bays optimization due to the fact that structural parameters, but not strength limitations become active while metal bay optimization. The article demonstrates that the weight benefit may be additionally increased, if regulatory restrictions on the bays stiffness would be revised, which requires conducting extra studies on aero-elasticity and structure loading dynamics, where such bays may be implemented.


lattice composite fuselage section, lattice structure with nonregular grid, genetic optimization algorithm, weight estimation of fuselage sections with different structure layouts


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