Spline joint stiffness impact on the gas turbine engine rotor dynamics

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Leontiev M. K., Nikolaev I. V.*

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: nikolaeviv@alfatran.com


Spline coupling is the most common torque transmission way in the aviation engines building industry. These joints are being computed as pliable or rigid and very often is not being subjected to analysis. It may lead to the effect on the rotor system dynamic characteristics, namely on critical speeds, vibrations amplitudes and loading values on the supports. The authors of the article demonstrate the dependence between the above said parameters and the spline joint stiffness. In the first section, the spline stiffness was computed using finite-element model (FEM). Further, the authors show the difference between critical speeds for three options of the spline joint, such as rigid, pliable and obtained with finite-element analysis. For this purpose, the authors employ a model of aviation GTE created with the DYNAMICS R4 software pack. This software product is based on modal analysis and allows modeling complex structural dynamic system from beam elements and conjunctions. The results of the analysis reveal that the option of splines with computed stiffness has shapes similar to the critical speeds with the rigid option. Despite this, the difference between critical speeds values may be more than 5%.

The second section presents several graphs, demonstrating the impact of method, accounting for the spline joint stiffness, on the loads in supports values. It can be seen while comparing spline joints options with computed stiffness and rigid ones that loading curves look quite similar. The greatest difference is being observed in the third support between 12000 and 14000 rpm. At the same time, it should be noted the greatest differences can be observed for the pliable spline coupling and computed stiffness. These changes may be associated with loads redistribution in the system.


spline coupling stiffness, of rotor system critical speeds, DYNAMICS R4


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