Load-bearing capacity of a robotic structure from composite material under dynamic loading

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science


Khairnasov K. Z.*, Sokol’skii A. M., Isaev V. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: kamilh@mail.ru


The authors has developed a technique for the stress-strain state computing of a robotic structure made of a composite material under dynamic impact. The load-bearing capacity of multilayer composite materials is affected by the arrangement of the warp threads of the composite material. The load-bearing capacity of the composite material can be altered by the layers orientation changing. Thus, it is important to study the effect of the arrangement of a composite material threads on its load-bearing capacity. The authors conducted the said study for a robotic system made of composite material under dynamic loading. An eight-layer composite material with various layer orientations was under consideration. Carbon fiber formed its base. A multilayer composite material destruction criteria were considered. A test bench intended for flight characteristics simulation under laboratory conditions was considered as a robotic complex. This work bench simulation was performed. The work bench was approximated by finite elements. The results convergence of the finite element of the work bench model was being checked by the finite element mesh condensing and comparing the obtained results. Robotic systems are equipped with elements setting the channels in motion, such as bearings, gears, gearboxes and motors. In this work, they are replaced in the finite element model by a system of rod elements of the same stiffness. The test bench design represented a three-layer structure consisting of external load-bearing layers of eight-layer composite material and a layer of filler between the load-bearing layers of lightweight material in the form of foam plastic, which serves for the shear absorbing. The test bench design was computed and analyzed for dynamic loading, and its stress-strain state was obtained for various layers arrangements of composite material.


composite material, semi-natural modeling test rig, finite element method, dynamic loading, stress- strain state


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