Diamond burnishing process parameters impact on the surface layer quality of the parts while aviation technology products manufacturing

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science


Shvetsov A. N.*, Skuratov D. L.**

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia

*e-mail: shvecovalexey@yandex.ru
**e-mail: skuratov-sdl56@yandex.ru


The effect of burnishing force, radius of diamond point sphere, initial roughness, tool advance and machining speed on the samples surface roughness, micro-hardness of surface layer, as well as circular and axial residual stresses was studied based on single-factor and full-factor experiments while performing diamond burnishing of the samples from the 15Cr12Ni2MoVWNNb-S (EP517-S) heat resistant wrought steel and 30CrMnSiNi2A high-resistance steel. Empirical power dependences were obtained linking the above said parameters of the diamond burnishing process with those defining the surface layer quality, namely with the surface roughness, maximum micro-hardness and strain hardening, maximum value of the circular residual compressive stresses and their maximum depth of occurrence, as well as maximum value of the axial compressive stresses.

The studies revealed that the main effect on the surface roughness at the burnishing force from 50 to 200 N was exerted by the tool sphere radius and tool advance, while at the force from 200 to 350 N these were the burnishing force and the tip sphere radius. In the case of the samples burnishing with natural diamond, the determining effect at the burnishing force from 50 to 350 N is the burnishing force and initial surface roughness. When machining the 30XGSN2A steel by the ASB-1 synthetic diamond, the same parameters as for the EP517-S steel burnishing have the greatest impact on the surface roughness. Radius of the diamond burnisher (ASB-1) and machining speed have the greatest impact on the micro-hardness value of the surface layer of the samples from both EP517-S and 30XGSN2A steel. At the same time, the burnishing force and diamond tip sphere radius have decisive impact while machining the samples from the EP517-S steel, and burnishing force and tool advance are the main factors while the samples from the 30XGSN2A steel machining. The tool sphere radius and advance have the greatest effect on the circular residual stresses forming by the tool with the ASB-1 diamond while the samples from the EP517-S steel burnishing, while both the tool sphere radius and burnishing force prevail while the 30XGSN2A steel burnishing. The most notable parameters affecting axial residual stresses while processing samples from the EP517-S steel are the sphere radius and the burnisher tracking force, and at the samples from the 30XGSN2A steel machining these are the tip sphere radius and the burnisher advance.

Samples made of 30CrMnSiNi2A steel processing by the ASB-1synthetic diamond had the same dependences temper as for the samples made of EP517-SH steel.

At the same time, during the processing of samples made of EP517-S steel the definite influence on strain hardening depth had burnishing force and radius of diamond point, but for samples made of 30CrMnSiNi2A steel – burnishing force and tool feed.

Generation of hoop locked-up stresses during the burnishing of samples made of EP517-S steel by tool with diamond ASB-1 was affected by the radius of diamond point and feed, on the other hand during the burnishing of samples made of 30CrMnSiNi2A steel there was another combination of significant factors: burnishing force and radius of diamond point.


burnishing with a diamond tool with a spherical working part, burnishing process elements, surface roughness, surface layer microhardness, compressive residual stresses


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