Studies of the Wing Trailing Edge Adaptive High-Lift Devices of a Mainline Aircraft

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Kurilov V. B.

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia


One of the tasks of utmost importance being solved in the aircraft design process is development of the effective systems for increasing the wing lift during take-off and landing. The high lift allows increasing the take-off weight and payload of the aircraft, as well as expanding the range of home airfields by reducing the required runway length.

Over the past half century, the complexity and weight of passenger aircraft wing high-lift devices have steadily decreased while retaining aerodynamic efficiency. This concerns mainly the wing trailing edge devices. The simpler wing trailing edge devices are lighter, allow achieving a maximum takeoff L/D, which can be converted into the payload increase, and introduce lower share to the airframe noise level. An additional advantage consists in the fairings size reduction, which reduces the wing weight and exposed area.

As of today, the leading world aircraft builders take pains to siplify the shifting mechanism for the single-slotted flap and transfer from moving-out with deflection to the simple turn. To retain the high-lift configuration effectiveness herewith, not only the flap may be deflected but the trailing edge basic element as well (relating to the aircraft, down-deflect the flight spoiler). This allows both deflecting the flap at large angles (compared to the classical move-out) and gaining the lift augmentation at the main element of the trailing edge at the linear section of the CL(α) dependence as well.

The presented computational-experimental work studies the adaptive high-lift devices of the wing trailing edge both in the general case (for the high-lift wing airfoil section) and on the thematic model of the swept high-lift wing.

The results of the studies revealed that application of the simple slotted flap combined with the down-deflected flight spoiler allowed significant improvement of the carrying properties on the linear section of the CL(α) dependence compared to the Fowler flaps conventionally applied on the mainline aircraft. Application of such combination allows flaps deflection at high angles and gaining CL max augmenting relative to the Fowler flap despite less slope of the CL(α) curve. The author determined rational combinations of the flight spoiler and flap deflection angles for the wing lift enhancing.


trailing edge high-lift devices, simple slotted flap, flight spoiler, high-lift wing airfoil section, airfoil aerodynamic characteristics


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