Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
*, **Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia
Modern specialized purposes space technology development requires new approaches and eff ective application of accumulated experience. As for now, there is still not a single implemented project in view of a technological purposes small spacecraft. This is primarily associated with the objective difficulties of employing small spacecraft in realization of gravity-sensitive processes in the near-Earth space.
Conceptual model of a technological purposes small spacecraft is being built in the presented article according to the well-known methodology. The methodology requirements determine the conceptual model form and structure, ensuring this form normativity, the independent nature of conceptual structures and diversity of the same content interpretations. These methodological ideas are demonstrated in the article as applied to the technological purposes small spacecraft being designed.
The design process itself is being regarded as a transition from one description of an object to another. The article presents the first two stages of this process, namely the target and conceptual description, which are closely related to the conceptual model being developed and mathematically formalized within the framework of this work.
The authors performed a methodological analysis of aspects of the technological purposes small spacecraft conceptual model. The process, functional, methodological and informational aspects of the conceptual model are highlighted and described. The analysis of these aspects allows generalizing the accumulated experience, identifying possible options for design solutions and evaluating these options effectiveness, as well as selecting the option that is optimal in terms of the target tasks solving effectiveness, and monitoring this effectiveness.
The decomposition of the conceptual model into separate components has been accomplished, allowing for structural analysis, specifics identification of the technological purposes small spacecraft being projected and their consideration while its design. Conceptual model of the object domain, under which the field of micro accelerations of the protected zone of micro-gravitational platform is understood, was built in the framework of this decomposition. The authors created the structure of the generalized conceptual model of the processes allowing educe the process of ensuring requirements on micro-accelerations as a characteristic feature of the technological purposes small spacecraft being designed. Conceptual models of control circuits and individual subsystems of a technological purposes small spacecraft have been formed. Each conceptual model herewith describes in detail only those elements that have the features compared to the other small spacecraft.
Thus, a conceptual model, corresponding to the well-known methodology, which allows small spacecraft designing for various gravity-sensitive processes, with maximal account for the specifics of their implementation, has been built.
technological purposes small spacecraft, gravity-sensitive processes, technological spacecraft designing, small spacecraft conceptual modelReferences
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