Developing Complex Evaluation Technique for the Product Shape Deviations and Its Endurance in Dependence of Technological Residual Stresses

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science


Evdokimov D. V.1, 2*, Aleksentsev A. A.1, 2**, Akhtam'yanov R. M.1, 2***

1. Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia
2. Aviaagregat, 55, Zavodskoe shosse, Samara, 443009, Russia



The article deals with the development of a comprehensive technique for reducing deviations in the product shape and its service life depending on residual stresses. A distinctive feature of the technique is the ability to monitor the impact of each technological operation separately for the given quality parameters. As the result, the presented work explores the traverse of the front support of a medium-range aircraft. Namely, the dependencies were obtained that correlate the geometric deviations of the controlled dimensions of the product, as well as its service life with the values of residual stresses formed in the surface layer of the traverse at the stages of mechanical processing and hardening. For this purpose, a comprehensive technique, based on mathematical and finite element models, was developed.
At the first stage of the conducted study, the developed finite element model was used, which allowed determining the magnitude, sign and nature of the distribution of residual stresses formed in the surface layer of the workpiece at the stages of machining with a blade tool. Using this model, a numerical full factorial experiment was performed, as a result of which power-law dependences were obtained linking the milling modes and conditions with the maximum value of residual stresses. The important features of the developed model consist in accounting for the thermal intensity of the cutting process, with regard to the presence of coolant in the cutting opening and has the ability to change the cutting tool. It is worth noting as well that, in order to test the model, a full-scale full factorial experiment was conducted. It revealed the greaetest discrepancy between the natural and numerical experiments of 12.7%, which is a small error in many determinations of residual stresses. 
The complex technique presented in the work allows at this stage employing data on residual stresses from other researchers, who have obtained power-law relationships or a data table that tracks the relationship between the modes of the technological operation under consideration and the values of residual stresses distributed in the surface layer of the workpiece.
At the second stage of research, the developed finite element model was used, which allows estimating the product life and deformations resulting from the impact of technological residual stresses. Using this model, a full factorial numerical experiment was conducted, in which the maximum value of residual stresses formed in various blade processing modes employed in production was varied, and the maximum value of residual stresses formed in different shot blasting modes was varied as well. It is worth noting here as well that in the developed finite element model, the values of residual stresses formed in the surface layer of workpieces at the stages of shot peening and obtained as the result of using the derived power-law relationships of other researchers were used. Thus, as the result of a numerical experiment, power-law dependences were obtained, which make it possible, depending on the magnitude of residual stresses formed at the stages of blade and shot blasting, to determine the service life and deviations of the controlled dimensions of the product.
The presence of such dependencies allows finding the optimal values of residual stresses that should be formed in the previously mentioned technological operations. Again, with known optimal values of residual stresses and with the help of power relations, which in the case of the presented study were obtained using the finite element model mentioned at the first stage of working with the complex methodology, the optimal values of the modes of technological operations were determined, namely blade mechanical processing and shot blasting.


functional processing parameters, technological residual stresses, part life, quality of the surface layer, geometric accuracy, surface plastic deformation


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