3D Printing of Shaping Tooling for Vacuum Molding of the Aircraft Glazing Products

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science


Shatov M. S.1*, Bokhoeva L. A.2**, Titov V. A.3***, Rogov V. E.4****, Batuev T. A.1*****

1. East Siberia State University of Technology and Management, 40v, Klyuchevskaya str, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, 670013, Russia
2. Irkutsk branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, (MSTUCA), 3, Kommunarov str., Irkutsk, 664047, Russia
3. Buryat State University named after Dorzhi Banzarov, Smolina str., 24a, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, 670000, Russia
4. Baikal institute of nature management SB RAS, 6, Sakhiyanova str., Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, 670047, Russia

*e-mail: maksim.shatov.97@mail.ru
**e-mail: bohoeva@yandex.ru
***e-mail: titov_vadim_wp@mail.ru
****e-mail: rogov54v@mail.ru
*****e-mail: batuevc@mail.ru


The aviation equipment production requires a large amount of form-building equipment, the glazing products among them as well. Aircraft glazing requires materials that can be operated at temperatures from – 62C° to + 85C°. Aviation glazing products are made from various materials, thus, windshields and vents consist of four layers of silicate glass glued together with three layers of polymer film. This structure is able to withstand bird collisions at speeds above 570 km/h without depressurization. The side windows of the cabin are made of two glasses and an adhesive layer, while the lighting equipment protection on the wings, fuselage and tail is being ensured by the organic glass. Organic glass sheet blanks complex fashioning requires manufacturing of costly metal rigging from aluminum alloys, which are being subjected to long-term mechanical treatment on modern machine-tools. The CNC machines application requires significant capital expenditures, besides, fine milling of curved surfaces needs significant machine operating time to achieve a given roughness, which affects the final cost of the consumer product. Additive technologies are widely employed in modern mechanical engineering for the forming equipment manufacturing. The 3D printing difference from conventional methods of product processing consists in the fact that the part is created by the layer-by-layer building of its body with accurate reproduction of the shape, irrespective of its surfaces complexity. This technology is becoming nowadays a powerful means for the time reduction of technological preparation of production, manufacturing and quality improving of newly created products, including forming mandrels. It has been revealed that the FDM 3D printing technology application in the form-building equipment manufacturing can reduce the cost of equipment by eight times and the time for its production by 2.5-3 times.
Among the well-known 3D printing technologies, extrusion, i.e. fusing material in layers, is the most widely used method. Metal or plastic filaments flow from the cartridge into the extruder, where they are heated to a viscous-fluid state and extruded through a nozzle layer by layer onto the object being created. Thermoplastic materials are the most often used as consumables.
The article presents the technology for manufacturing technological equipment for vacuum forming of the aircraft glazing products, obtained by 3D printing from the ABS plastic. The ABS plastic was selected not only due to its high operation properties, but for its relatively low cost as well as  high manufacturability. To save the ABS plastic, only the working area of the matrix, channels for air pumping out and outlets for fasteners were printed. The matrix was printed on an ENDER3 3D printer, with a high filling density (up to 100%) for the lowest shrinkage and strength of the matrix. After the 3D printing, the working surface of the matrix was processed (grinding, chemical polishing) to obtain the specified surface cleanliness (roughness). Organic glass with a thickness of 3 mm was molded at a temperature of 95-105°C (sensor on top of the glass), while the temperature on the matrix surface corresponded to 87-93°C. The first samples obtained on an ABS plastic rig corresponded to all parameters. In the subsequent molds manufacturing, deviations in dimensional accuracy were observed, while the roughness of the working surface of the tooling did not change. Deformation of the forming tooling made from the ABS plastic can be explained by its operation under conditions of the maximum operating temperature for this material.
Thus, plastics with higher operating temperatures are needed for the long-term operation of the developed tooling for molds production from the organic glass.
The most prospective material for forming equipment for the aviation glazing products vacuum forming may be polycarbonate with the operating temperature of 1200°C and perfectly mechanically processable (grinding, polishing).


tooling, 3D printing, ABS plastic, additive technologies, chemical polishing, vacuum molding, molding, aircraft glazing products


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