Aerodynamic Criteria for Limitations Substantiation while External Surface Refurbishing of the Transport Category Aircraft

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Berezko M. E.1, 2*, Sagaidak M. V.1, 2**, Shevyakov V. I.1***

1. Yakovlev Corporation Regional Aircraft Branch, 26, Leninskaya Sloboda str., Moscow, 115280, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Defects of the transport aircraft external surface, requiring structure repairing, may appear in the course of its operation. These are dents, steps, gaps, paint-and-lacquer coating damage, corrosion, etc. Defects may affect both the strength and aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft. The need and urgency of the aircraft repairs depend on the degree of this effect.

The presented article considers the defects, at which elimination the cases of the repairs aftermath effect on air signals system sensors readings such as static pressure, total pressure and angles of attack are possible. Such cases should be prevented.

The authors present aerodynamic criteria for restrictions substantiation when the external surface repairs performing of the transport category aircraft. The article considers two tasks as examples. They are the fuselage repair in the area where the air signal system sensors are located employing a pad, and a plate and static pressure sensor repair. The limitations substantiation criterion during repairs in the first task is the value of the mounting place and pad size effect on the sensors readings. While in the second task this is the value of the slab and pressure intake defects such as chips, caverns, scratches and corrosion, impact on the sensors readings. Development of recommendations on restrictions for the pad mounting places and sizes selection was demonstrated for the first task, and on limitations on the number and size of defects in the slab and static pressure sensor, under which one can do without their elimination for the second task.

Numerical simulation of the flow-around was performed with ANSYS FLUENT software. The system of Navier–Stokes equations averaged over Reynolds and closed by the Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model was solved. The problems were being solved in a two-dimensional formulation. Computational mesh was unstructured hybrid (Poly-HexCore). Firstly, a surface mesh of triangles was created, and then a volumetric computational mesh with a prismatic layer was generated on it.

The approaches outlined in the work allow substantiating the development of limitations on the location and size of the pads when repairing damage to the external surface of transport category aircraft, as well as permissible number and size of damage to plates and static pressure intakes.


transport category aircraft, external surface defects, local aerodynamics, harmful resistance, air signal system, barometric flight altitude, airframe structure repairing


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