Computational-and-Experimental Assessment of Blades’ Stiffness Effect on the Stress-Strain State and Vibrations of the Aircraft Engine Air Propeller while Icing

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Maksimov D. S.*, Modorskii V. Y.**, Kalyulin S. L.***, Sazhenkov N. A.****

Perm National Research Polytechnic University, PNRPU, 29, Komsomolsky Prospekt, Perm, 614990, Russia



The small-sized aircraft with propeller-driven propulsion systems operation in atmospheric layers saturated with supercooled water droplets is being always accompanied by the icing processes. This may lead to both propulsion system operational characteristics degradation and, ultimately, to its damaging due to the uneven ice breaking on the fan blades, leading to the imbalance and sharp increase in vibration loads on the rotor. In as much as conventional anti-icing systems applied in full-size engines cannot always be integrated into a small aircraft due to their weight and size characteristics, passive methods of ice control are coming to the fore.

The authors are testing the hypothesis about the possible vibrations reduction at the ice dumping by different pairs of blades application in the propeller design. However, each pair of opposite blades herewith has the same rigidity. This effect should be achieved owing to the stress-strain state equalization in the ice crust of each pair of blades.

The article describes a method for computational-and-experimental assessment of the of a small aircraft engine fan blades stiffness impact on its vibration state while icing. Two options of propellers, B1 and B2, for a small-size aircraft engine with the paired blades of different stiffness were manufactured by the additive technology method. An experimental assessment of the fan blades stiffness characteristics was performed, and the time dependences of the vibration velocity while icing were obtained for the fans with blades of different stiffness.

The article demonstrates that the critical mode occurrence for the B2 propeller is characteristic at the operating frequency of 5000 rpm due to the extra ice mass growth while icing. The said effect was not observed for the B1 propeller. The authors demonstrate the critical mode origination in the range of B2 fan rotation operating frequencies may lead to the vibration speed increase up to 16 mm/s with its further 2.6 times reduction after the ice breakage. Characteristics of the fan model being employed for the computational study on the stress-strain state of the ice crust on the fan blade surface were identified based on the obtained experimental data.

The authors developed a mathematical model of the contact interaction between the fan blades surface and the ice crust within the range of the fan operating modes of 5000-10,000 rpm, and obtained the dependences of the ice crust deformations on the surface of the fan under the action of the centrifugal and gas-dynamic forces.

A nonlinear relationship between propeller blade rigidity C, N/m changing and stresses changing, occurring in the ice edge on its surface Δσ, %, was revealed by the computational method. It was demonstrated as well that the propeller blade rigidity increasing from 800 to 1620 N/m led to the ice crust strass-strain state equalization.

The article demonstrates that with the blade stiffness increase by 36% relative to the basic value the average values of the stress in the ice crust reduce by 22%. If the blade rigidity is being increased by 174%, the average stresses in the ice crust will reduce only by 52%, which indicates the nonlinear nature of the dependence.

It is shown that with an increase in blade stiffness by 36% relative to the base value, the average stress in the ice crust decreases by 22%. If the rigidity of the blade is increased by 174%, the average stress in the ice crust will decrease by only 52%.


icing, ice breaking, blades detuning, propeller with blades of diff erent stiffness


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