Optimization of the Space Technology Reliability Control Veracity under Conditions of Single and Small-Scale Production

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Nasibulin M. S.*, Rudakov V. B.**

Space Systems Research and Development Institute (NII KS) in Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center,

*e-mail: info.niiks@khrunichev.ru
**e-mail: info.niiks@khrunichev.ru


Permanent complication of the space technology systems production process associated with the range of tasks extension in the outer space and the increasing requirements to the technical parameters and reliability of these systems require economic costs increase for the space technology systems production and control. Besides, the space technology production specifics consist in the small-scale production, characterized by the lack of statistical information for reliable confirming the high requirements in the documentation for the technical parameters and reliability of the space technology, which makes complicates application of conventional control methods.
The article proposes methodological foundations for fidelity optimizing of statistical control of the space technology reliability under conditions of the small-scale production, ensuring the requirements of scientific novelty and practical significance while the space technology work out.
The problem of the step-by-step economically optimal control of complex space technology systems while their production is under consideration.
At the first stage, monitoring of the system technical parameters, which affect reliability, is being performed.
The performed analysis revealed the following specifics of the technical parameters of space technology systems monitoring after their manufacturing:
- nominal values and corresponding tolerances are specified in the technical documentation for each parameter of the system;
- while each parameter monitoring probabilistic errors occur, which may result in taking a proper parameter (staying within the tolerance limits) for an improper one, and defective parameter (out of the tolerance limits) for the proper one.
These errors are stipulated by errors of the parameters measuring means. When controlling parameters sampling (nomenclature) of a particular system, probabilistic errors occur as well from the aggregate of its parameters, which are associated with previous errors and which already relate to the system as a whole. The case of the entire set of system parameters control is a special one when the nomenclature of controlled parameters coincides with their aggregate.
At the second stage, monitoring of the specified requirements to the system reliability fulfillment is being performed.
The information about the state of the system parameters should be herewith accounted for when its reliability monitoring.
Reliability control of the space technology system is being performed as follows: acceptance tests of the system are conducted for a certain period of time, and according to their results, the probability of trouble-free operation is being determined. Further, this characteristic is being compared with the specified requirements, and if the requirements are met, the system is being accepted valid, otherwise the system is being discarded (system completion, re-inspection, etc. are performed).
The results allow proceeding directly to the optimal reliability determining of statistical control of the space technology systems reliability, with account for the results of the previous control of its technical parameters, which corresponds to the optimal plans of their control. This will lead to the reliability increase of system reliability control, which is especially important under conditions of the small-scale production.
For the first time, mathematical dependencies for the optimal reliability of system reliability control determining with account for the results of previous control of its technical parameters have been developed.


space technology (ST), ST system, ST production, ST system parameters control, ST system reliability, first and second kind risks, economic costs, economic losses


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