Mechanical Friction Vibration Damper for Aircraft Structures Based on Rotational Friction Pairs

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Kolesnikov V. I.1*, Sypalo K. I.2**, Medvedsky A. L.2***, Zichenkov M. C.2****, Koryakin A. N.2*****, Polityko K. N.1******

1. Rostov State University of Railway Transport, 2, Rostov-on-Don, Rostov-on-Don, Russia 344038
2. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia



The article considers a vibration damper for aircraft structures based on the application of a rotational friction pair. The structure of the damper ensures transformation of the translational movements of the damper rod, attached to the structural components, into rotational friction pairs, ensuring dissipation of the vibrations energy. Conversion of the small linear displacements of the rod, corresponding to the vibrations amplitudes of the structure into the increased angular displacements of the rotary friction pair was performed together with the frictional coating characteristics selection. The article presents the relationships defining the damper structural parameters and its mathematical model being developed. It is demonstrated that rational design parameters selection allows employing a friction coating with reduced friction coefficients to increase its wear resistance.
The studies have been conducted on a number of friction coatings and methods for applying them to the components of a rotational friction pair, when manufacturing them from a number of promising structural materials. Nitride coatings of the CrAlSiN, TiAlN, TiCrZrHfNb type applied by the vacuum-ion-plasma spraying technology, as well as high-entropy CuCrMnFeCoNi, allowed obtaining a wide range of friction coefficient values with high wear resistance.
A mathematical model, allowing conducting analytical study of motion parameters of an elastic dynamic system with a mechanical damper containing rotational friction pairs has been developed. The article demonstrates that the vibration damping efficiency is close for coatings with various friction coefficients. With its reduction, the friction forces operation may be retained by increasing the friction pairs area or their angular mutual shifting. Corresponding eccentricity decrease of the rod in the friction pair enhances the structure rigidity up to damper jamming and its transformation into a rigid rod.
The friction coefficient increasing within certain limits allows reducing the damper size and weight, but this should be accommodated with the service life of the coating.
A pilot version of the vibration damper was manufactured and tested with the INSTRON mechanical testing machine.


frictional vibration damper of aircraft structures, vacuum ion-plasma technology, high-entropy coatings, mechanical and tribological properties of coatings, wear resistance, operation of a vibration damper as part of an aircraft structure


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