Developing Sound-Absorbing Structure with Various-Height and Composite Resonators for Aircraft Engines

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Pisarev P. V.*, Akhunzianova K. A.**

Perm National Research Polytechnic University, PNRPU, 29, Komsomolsky Prospekt, Perm, 614990, Russia



The development of civil aviation and air transportation market, which is an indicator of the economic growth of cities and regions, is rapidly upgrowing strength in the XXI century. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has highlighted air transport ecology as the second most pressing issue, after flight safety. ICAO is constantly tightening International Standards for aircraft noise on the terrain, normalizing its level at the takeoff and landing modes, which compels aircraft manufacturers to develop new technologies for the aircraft noise reduction. Resonant sound-absorbing structures (SAS) are commonly employed to reduce the noise terrain by tuning them to a specific frequency range of the SAS operation. These sound-absorbing structures are commonly installed on the inner surface of the aircraft engine air intake to reduce the noise propagation to the front hemisphere, as well as on the walls of the engine outer loop to reduce noise propagation to the rear hemisphere.
The object of the study is sound-absorbing structures that employ Helmholtz resonators with prismatic cells, which operate in a broad range of frequencies.
The study involves the development of sound-absorbing structures with different heights and composite resonators. The purpose of the presented research consists in developing schemes and recommendations on the placement of resonators with different configurations in sound-absorbing structures operating over a broad range of frequencies.
The authors conducted computational experiments on studying mutual interaction of cells with various configurations. Computation of damping effect value of the Helmholtz resonators while their joint operation was being executed based on numerical solution of the Helmholtz equation. Mathematical model for the acoustic efficiency assessing of the sound absorbing structures cells while their joint operation was formulated by the results of the accomplished studies.
The authors developed the schemes of mutual arrangement of resonators with two degrees of freedom. Compared to conventional structures, the sound absorbing structures developed in this study allow reducing mutual effect of closely spaced resonators of various configurations at the joint frequency, as well as improving the broadbandness of the sound absorbing structures. The study reveals regularities of the sound absorption coefficient of resonators in the sound-absorbing structures depending on the cells with various configurations arrangement. It was found that at the joint frequencythe efficiency of the basic resonator and the group brodbandness increase while  resonators of various volume joint operation, as well as the largest value of the acoustic pressure loss coefficient for the composite resonators were being observed.
The results of the study will allow establishing regularities of acoustic fields distribution in the model channel at various configuration in placing and shapes of the honeycomb fillers and revealing notional factors affecting the acoustic efficiency of the sound absorbing structures. The obtained results will allow developing new technological schemes of the sound absorbing structures not only more effective, but more compact and light as well with better strength characteristics due to the multilayer structure renunciation. These multilayer structures may be applied for the prospective aviation engines meet the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
The next stage of research involves conducting laboratory tests of the developed composite sound-absorbing structures.


sound-absorbing structures, composite resonators, aircraft power plant cladding, acoustic efficiency


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