Correlation-and-Regression Model for Micro Gas Turbine Engine Mass Computing

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Pelevin V. S.1*, Aleksentsev A. A.1, 2**, Filinov E. P.1***

1. Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia
2. Aviaagregat, 55, Zavodskoe shosse, Samara, 443009, Russia



With the unmanned aircraft systems development and high-performance complexes on their basis, the area of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) application is expanding, requiring increased efficiency and performance characteristics. The UAV scope of application broadness instigates the development of power plants for them, including micro gas turbine engines as well. The demand for gas turbine engines is being driven by their distinctive features compared to the other propulsion systems. One of these advantages consists in the reduced vibration levels compared to piston engines, and the other in the lower engine and fuel weight compared to an electric propulsion system. While the UAV designing, the key objective is their economic performance enhancing. Depending on the type and purpose, the key parameter may be range, flight time or speed, and payload mass. Mass reduction of each of its subsystems, while retaining the original efficiency may allow increasing mass of the fuel or energy carrier, improving the aircraft flying quality due to a more complex design, or increasing the payload mass share while retaining the UAV maximum takeoff weight, which is an up-to-date problem. Correlation-regression models based on statistical data on gas turbine engines are employed at the conceptual design stages, but they are of low accuracy due to the of manufacturers data incompleteness and of design solutions variety. Most micro gas turbine engines have the same design schemes, which allows application of mass regression models for a certain thrust range.
The presented research considered micro gas turbine engines with the thrust up to 1600 N and airflow up to 2 kg/s. Their key feature can be identified as a single-shaft scheme with a cantilever centrifugal compressor and axial turbine. These features of the engines under consideration allow obtaining the required model accuracy. Besides a similar design, these engines have an external control system, which weight was not accounted for in this research. For the models developing, a database including basic parameters of 125 engines was compiled. The engine thrust was selected as the main parameter affecting the mass. Based on these data, statistical dependencies were plotted for the engine mass preliminary determining, and compared with other models used in practice. The models demonstrated acceptable accuracy for the conceptual design stage in the specified thrust range, and may be employed to estimate the propulsion system mass for the aircraft flight cycle computing and propulsion system accommodating with the airframe.


conceptual design, correlation-and-regression model, micro gas turbine engine, engine mass, specific fuel consumption, engine thrust


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