The Effect of Combustion Products Interaction with Decomposition Products of the Rubber-Like Heat-Protective Material in the SRE Combustion Chamber Volume on the Flow Rate and Nozzle Coefficients

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Shaydullin R. A.*, Sabirzyanov A. N.**

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia



The article considers the results of the studies on the effect of interaction of the ammonium perchlorate/84/16 polybutadiene rubber resin solid fuel combustion products with decomposition products of the rubber-like heat protecting material on the flow-rate ration and nozzle coefficient as a part of the hypothetical solid fuel rocket engine with the charge burning along the butt surface. The study was being conducted by the gas-dynamic modeling of chemically reacting combustion products medium of solid fuel in the axisymmetric approximation. The amount of the blown-in decomposition products was being determined based on solving the system of the heat balance equations between the heat from combustion products and the heat absorbed by the thermal protection material.
The authors demonstrated the character of the change in the mass flow rate coefficient at blowing-in decomposition products of thermal protection material in the combustion chamber for gas and solid phases. Due to the fact that the endothermic reactions are being observed in the combustion chamber, the temperature of the mixture products decreases, reducing potential energy. While the soot particles blowing-in, almost linear growth of the mass flow rate coefficient is being observed, even with a substantial decrease in temperature.
A drastic temperature drop is being observed in the combustion chamber, thus the perfection coefficient of the processes in the combustion chamber falls. The article demonstrates the difference between accounting for the gas phase and the solid one. The soot particles take off the heat for heating to the mixture temperature, which explains the additional perfection coefficient degradation of the processes in the combustion chamber. The article presents the temperature profiles in various sections of a hypothetical SRE and gradients of parameters in the flow.
The potential energy reduction in the combustion chamber negatively affects the nozzle coefficient, i.e. the specific impulse losses increase due to blow-in. The article demonstrates the tendency of nozzle coefficient change with intensity increasing of blowing-in into the combustion products stream of solid propellant based on ammonium perchlorate and hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene. The presence of soot particles up to 5% by mass of the combustion products flow predetermines losses in the specific impulse  due to the two-phase flow of no more than 1.5%.
The article deliberates the results of specific impulse loss coefficients and mass flow rate coefficient variation, as well as theoretical judgments on the thrust changing of the SRE inner loop. The authors define the main reasons for the nozzle coefficient and mass flow rate coefficient decrease. The article presents as well the changes in the mole fraction of certain individual substances in the minimal section and at the nozzle edge.


solid fuel, combustion, kinetic mechanisms, modeling, rubber-like thermal protection, decomposition products, flow rate coefficient, nozzle coefficient


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