Liquid Self-Oscillations Stabilization in the Oxidizer Tank by Hydrodynamic Parameters Changing of the Liquid Oscillations in the Fuel Tank

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Afonina E. V.

S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation «Energia», 4A Lenin Street, Korolev, Moscow area, 141070, Russia



Movement analysis of a rocket with liquid rocket engine on the active flight segment in the interpretation that the liquid rocket is a solid body is extremely simplified, since the presence of vast masses of liquid fuel with free surfaces in the fuel tanks of the upper stage entails occurrence of the extra forces affecting the rocket dynamic properties. This effect is based on the two main factors, namely the rocket angular motion affects the liquid perturbation in the tanks, and the liquid movement in the tanks causes extra inertial forces and moments acting on the rocket. Thus, accounting for the impact of the liquid fuel components in the upper stage tanks on the rocket movement allows increasing the actuating elements effectiveness. Application of the phase stabilization coefficient criterion revealed that the head unit phase stabilization by the automatic stabilization machine could not be ensured along the entire active the flight segment when launching a small mass payload. This is especially true for fluctuations in the oxidizer tank liquid filling. Mathematical modeling of the head unit perturbed motion at the active flight segment demonstrates as well that when the upper stage  carries a small mass payload at the  commence of the active segment self-oscillations of liquid with amplitudes commensurable with the wave-destroying amplitude  emerge in the oxidation tank. The presented article proposes a method for reducing the amplitude of liquid vibrations in the oxidizer tank by changing geometric moment of inertia of the liquid free surface of the fuel tank, so that the center of mass position of the orbital block appears higher than the free surface of the liquid in the oxidizer tank. This can be attained, for example, by the geometric size changing of the fuel tank, since the value in question, i.e. the geometric moment of inertia, depends on the geometry of the object in the first approximation. This method allows expanding the scope of the phase stabilization application of liquid vibrations in the tanks of the upper stage. Application of the results of the conducted study will improve the accuracy of the head unit positioning by reducing the effect of the head unit transverse vibrations with a frequency close to the natural vibrations frequency of the liquid in the tanks of the upper stage. The proposed method allows liquid fluctuations stabilizing in the upper stage tanks without resorting to the initial fuel volume changing in them.


phase stabilization, geometric moment of inertia, of liquid oscillations hydrodynamic parameters, free surface of liquid, mirror of free surface of liquid


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