The Structure and Phase Composition of the VTI-4 Alloy with Various Hydrogen Content After Quenching within the 600–800°C Temperature Range

Metallurgy and Material Science


Pozhoga O. Z.*, Shalin A. V.**, Rumyantsev K. ***, Tevs M. D.****

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The alloys based on the Ti2AlNb intermetallic compound are potential heat-resistant materials for aerospace industry due to their light- weight, good low-temperature plasticity, enhanced strength and creep-resistance at high temperature, as well high-temperature oxidation strength. For these alloys application for modern gas turbine engines parts manufacturing, more attention should be paid to the deep trustworthy prediction of microstructure–properties interrelationship and mastering the state-of-the-art technologies of production. It is well known that hydrogen alloying is an efficient way to control structure and phase composition in titanium alloys; allowing obtaining modified microstructures with advanced properties and performing complicated forming operations.  The authors of the presented work have previously analyzed forming the phase composition and structure in hydrogenated orthorhombic titanium alloy at 800–1200°C. However, the studies of phase and structural transformations in the hydrogen-containing alloy at the temperatures lower than 800°C should be conducted for the low-temperature thermal-hydrogen treatment performing. The purpose of the presented work consists in studying the structure and phase composition of the VTI-4 orthorhombic alloy with various hydrogen content after quenching at the temperature range of 600–800°C. The studies were conducted on the deformed workpiece of the VTI-4 titanium alloy based on the Ti2AlNb intermetallic compound. Samples saturation with hydrogen was accomplished up to the 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4% concentrations (wt.% here and hereinafter). The quantity of the hydrogen being introduced was being determined by the samples mass changing. After the samples quenching, the alloy microstructure was studied with the optical microscopy, and its phase content was defined by the X-ray diffraction phase analysis. The article demonstrates that the fine-dispersed microstructure with the particles of no more than 1 µm in size in the initial and hydrogenated alloy is represented by the two phases β and O. After quenching within the temperature range of 600–800°C, there is a possibility of obtaining a structure with various phase compositions in the alloy depending on the hydrogen content. Thus, the initial alloy and the alloy hydrogenated to 0.2% H have the β + Ο two-phase composition. The growth of structural constituents up to 2–4 µm can be observed herewith at higher quenching temperature while at lower temperatures their size does not exceed 1 µm. With hydrogen content above 0.2% and subsequent quenching at 800°C the allow has a three-phase β + О + α2 structure at 800°C. This three-phase alloy structure is non-uniform. Separate thin plates of 2–3 μm in size are distinguishable in the β-grains volume, and fine-dispersed intermetalliс mixture outlines the boundaries. During the X-ray diffraction analysis of the samples containing 0.3% and 0.4% H and quenched at 600-700°C peaks of α2-phase are not registered, which indicates their two-phase β + Ο structure. he registered growth of the β-phase lattice parameter from the initial value of 0.328 nm to 0.331 nm in the samples with 0.4% of hydrogen is stipulated by the hydrogen content increase. Any correlations between temperature and the value of the β-phase lattice parameter have not been detected. The obtained results allowed supplementing the “of VTI-4 alloy phase composition –hydrogen concentration – quenching temperature” diagram. The refined diagram will be employed in the future studies of metastable phases decomposition during isothermal holding of the hydrogenated VTI-4 alloy and the structural-phase composition forming during degassing. The obtained results will serve either as a guideline for determining the optimal thermomechanical and heat treatment modes to increase the technological plasticity of the orthorhombic alloy in manufacturing semi-finished products and parts for aviation purposes.


heat-resisting alloy, Ti2AlNb titanium intermetallic, hydrogen alloying, of orthorhombic alloy quenching, orthorhombic alloy phase composition and structure


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