Numerical Study of a Training Aircraft Models Flow-Around Structure

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Arzhanov Y. I.*, Pimenov I. A.**, Kornev S. V.***, Demina Z. P.****

Russian Aircraft Corporation «MiG», 6, Leningradskoe shosse, Moscow, 125171, Russia

*e-mail: Arganoff


The presented article deals with the flow-around numerical modeling of the training aircraft with two options of the horizontal tail surfaces mounting along the tail fin height:
Option 1: the tail fin is mounted in the middle of the tail fin height;
Option 2: the T-shaped tail surface.
Computation reliability is being confirmed by the experimental studies conducted in the T-102 wind tunnel.
The need to study the favorable area of the horizontal tail surface mounting along the fin height is associated with the peculiarity of its flow-around by the separated flows formed on the wing when the aircraft reaches high angles of attack. When the horizontal tail hits the vortex flows area behind the wing, the dependence of the longitudinal moment on the angle of attack becomes significantly nonlinear, which negatively affects the intuitiveness of aircraft control and leads to the need for the control system complication.
The MiG-AT aircraft was selected as the object of study. To perform numerical simulation of the flow-around a training aircraft, two geometric models with a medium and T-shaped arrangement of the tail surface on the fin were created with the CAD packages. Subsequently, a computation area was created in the ANSYS software package. An unstructured tetrahedral grid was constructed in the computational domain, thickening to the surface of the aircraft for correct viscosity modeling in the boundary layer.
The flow-around simulation of the aircraft with different options of the tail-surface installation area was performed at the angles of attack in the range of 0–25° with a 5° increment. After the computations, graphs of the dependence of the coefficients of drag, lift and longitudinal moment on the angle of attack were plotted. The results of experimental studies were plotted on the graphs as well, which confirmed good qualitative convergence of the results.
The momentum envelope origination for a model with a T-shaped tail surface can be observed on the graphs.
To analyze the causes of this phenomenon origination, sections were constructed displaying the areas of velocity distribution near the wing and horizontal tail. The flow velocity distribution patterns demonstrate that both tail options stay outside the wake area behind the wing up to the attack angle of 15°. With a further increase in the angle of attack, the aircraft configuration with the horizontal tail surface located in the middle of the fin starts entering the area of the separation wake from the wing, while the option with the T-shaped tail remains outside this area. A consequence of this difference in flow-around is the difference in the bearing properties of the tail: the value of the longitudinal dive moment for the T-shaped tail is higher than that for the tail located in the middle of the fin. With a further increase in the attack angle, the T-shaped tail begins to enter the wake zone behind the wing. A decrease in the velocity pressure on the tail leads to a sharp decrease in its bearing properties, in association with which a change in the sign of the derivative of the longitudinal moment with respect to the angle of attack occurs, and a momentum envelope is being formed. This phenomenon indicates local instability and affects negatively the aircraft controllability.


training aircraft, tail plane, tail fin, momentum envelope, flow-around visualization, aerodynamic wake


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