Improving Reliability of the Gas Turbine Engine Annular Combustion Chamber

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Baklanov A. V.

Kazan Motor Production Association, 1, Dementyeva str., Kazan, 420036, Russia



To increase the service life between repairs of a series-produced engine, finishing works should be performed. While combustion chamber design refinement, statistical processing of failure data is one of the primary tasks, as analysis of the processing results allows determining characteristic defects of the design under study and blueprinting its further improvement trend.
The presented article considered design features and defined the main defects of the combustion chamber of the gas-turbine engine. Analysis of characteristic faults being manifested in operation was accomplished. The author determined the key reliability parameters of the combustion chamber. Based on the performed analysis, measures aimed at the resource indicators increasing of the combustion chamber were developed. Six new implemented constructive measures are presented.
The first measure consists in replacing nozzles with fuel whirling on nozzles with jet-atomizing ones. The second measure is aimed at design changing of the diffuser nozzle in burner. The third measure stands for the temperature field stabilization and improvement. The Ø15 mm plugs were installed at the place of the Ø12 orifices on the flame tube casings. The fourth measure is necessary for the gases temperature reduction of near walls behind branch pipes. For this purpose, the air consumption through the cooling slits was increased. The slit height was increased from 1 to 1,4 mm. The fifth measure is aimed at falling-out preventing of the sealing package, installed between the nozzle and the swirler, by changing its structure.
The sixth measure consists in accomplishing a number of orifices in a head for its additional cooling. The seventh action is aimed at protecting the parts of the combustion chamber against the hot gases effect. The heat-shielding covering was employed for this purpose. Analysis of the characteristic faults and their efficiency assessment was re-performed after the said measures introduction. The resource indicators improvement was revealed.
The implemented measures allowed increasing the engine between-repairs resource up to 25000 hours.


basic parameters of the combustion chamber reliability, combustion chamber design, combustion chamber defects, engine overhaul period, combustion chamber failures statistics


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