Aircraft Engineering
*, **, ***Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: vvinnikov@list.ru
**e-mail: reviznikov@inbox.ru
***e-mail: spise@inbox.ru
This work is concerned with comparison of two different discrete-element approaches to numerical simulation of collisional particle dynamics in a problem of a heterogeneous stream flowing around an obstacle. This paper presents authors’ method of direct numerical simulation with exact matching of real and model particles, solution of equations of motion and heat transfer for each particle, and calculation of particle collisions parameters based on approximation of trajectories. This approach requires significant computational cost, but takes into account all the possible collisions between particles in the flow and particle collisions with an obstacle. In this sense it is precise and is used as a benchmark for testing more economical statistical methods. Obtained results hold a high practical value for mathematical support of new technologies in airspace industry.Keywords:
multiphase flows; direct numerical simulation; discrete element method; statistical simulation; Monte-Carlo method
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