Investigation of characteristics of elastic rings mounted in rotor bearings of gas-turbine engines


Leontiev M. K.*, Tereshko A. G.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The problem of determination of elastic ring stiffness mounted in gas-turbine engines bearings is considered. Analytical solutions give flexibility of elastic ring as curved beam with pinned-end supports. At once practice shows occurrence of abrasion on ring ledges during exploitation. It means the response of ring in rotor precession conditions is more complicated comparing with beam bending only. The FEM model of elastic ring placed between two stiff rings is prepared. Results of analysis show the large difference between flexibilities obtained by analytical solution and FEM statement when rings have contact interactions. The flexibility of elastic rings also strongly depends on assembling conditions.


gas-turbine engines, rotor bearings, elastic rings, flexibility coefficient — informational site of MAI

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