Simulation of two-layer flow and heat transfer in the case of film cooling in hi-enthalpy streams

Propulsion and Power Plants


Degtyaryov S. A.*, Semyonov P. A.**, Borisov D. M.***, Rudenko A. M.****

Keldysh Research Centre, 8, Onezhskaya str., Moscow, 125438, Russia

**e-mail: mezhvsel_pavlo@mail.r


Increasing the rocket motor thrust specific impulse produces growth of the combustion products chamber temperature. For the purpose of perspective hi-energetic propellants implementing in space-rated SRM active thermal protection method was introduced and presents dual grain with extra low-temperature component. For the prediction of the efficiency of the film cooling produced by combustion products of the low-temperature propellant it was developed the method of conjugated calculation of the two-dimensional flow parameters fields, turbulent boundary layer characteristics, heat and mass transfer and thermal state of nozzle unit wall. Some experimental investigations of transonic nozzle unit part thermal state were fulfilled with variation of low-temperature fraction.


two-layer flow; film-cooling effect; dual grain; conjugated solution; turbulent diffusion; mixing layer; heat transfer; turbulent boundary layer; erosion; calorimeter. — informational site of MAI

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