Application of the methods of financial and commercial payments when assessing the effectiveness of investments in aircraft the space experiment and the technical means for its implementation


Ivanov M. K.



The article presents some problems for ¬ economic structure a mathematical model to analyze the investment when you sel ect the aircraft the space experiment and the technical means for its implementation (EAC and TCP). Initial data for calculating the «real investment» (capital investments ¬ stresses) give information about the market, the company carrying out activities in the development and enforcement with respect to long-term holding ECAs and TCP. By specifying certain technical characteristics, the size of demand and prices, calculate the profitability of investing in the future, based on the planned level of profit. In this approach, there are constraints such as uncertainty will be ¬ ing cash receipts fr om circulation and the inability of the specific conditions ¬ loviyah sale of investments to track the profitability of its individual constituting the with . Discloses the use of methods of financial and commercial payments for improving calculation efficiency of investment and building valuation models. The sequence of model development is illustrated by hypothetical example the establishment and operation of «virtual» company to implement EAC and TCP.


investment, capital investments, economic returns, cash flow, profitability, the method of updating, pro ¬ term interest rate, the degree of profitability, capital ¬ detailing interest, financial rent. — informational site of MAI

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