Flatter analysis for wingless missile

Aircraft Engineering


Liu Deguang .. ..

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


A high-fineness ratio missile body subjected to lateral oscillations is considered as a cross bending beam while horizontal tail is operated as an elastic plate connected with the body by means of some cross bending and torqueing elastic unit. An aerodynamic pressure for the horizontal tail due to supersonic airflow is calculated based on the piston theory. Expressions for aeroelasticity oscillations are derived as Lagrangian equations for generalized coordinates, which describe eigenmodes of symmetrical oscillations for the body combined with the horizontal tail. Computation of characteristic oscillations is carried out with the NASTRAN software. A flutter speed is found for a horizontal tailed missile. Some numerical simulation results are demonstrated.

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