Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
e-mail: t.grishanina@mai.ru
A twisting of an elastic bar relative to its end is considered under the assumption that a motion of another end of the bar is specified. A fore or a torque is used to control the motion. The force (or the torque) is unknown and its value is to be found. This sort of problem emerges in studies of rapid movement of arm manipulators, automated assembly of space framed structures and so on. These problems are solved to assure some predefined motion and to eliminate elastic oscillations for a certain point of the bar. Equations for a turning movement and elastic vibrations of the bar is derived. Some examples are discussed to compute a control force or a control torque providing solution of the problems mentioned above.
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