Experimental study of the possibilities of increasing the effectiveness the liquid rocket engine thrusters 400 newtons with deflector centrifugal mixing scheme

Propulsion and Power Plants


Ageenko Y. I.*, Pegin I. V.*, Shalamov E. A.*, Ilyin R. V.*

Isayev chemical design engineering bureau branch Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, 12, Bogomolov st., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia

*e-mail: kbhimmash@korolev-net.ru


The purpose of the experimentally-scientific work is possibility increase of efficiency Liquid rocket thruster 400 newtons by optimization of a supply and mixture of components of fuel on a wall of combustor.
In Isaev Chemical Machinery Design Bureau four liquid rocket thruster (25...200 N) with deflector centrifugal liquid phase mixing scheme of propellant components on combustor are developed. All this liquid rocket thruster provide a high specific impulse, working capacity at the large resources and the high reliability caused by a considerable stock on temperature of engine elements.
Application of deflector centrifugal mixing scheme for liquid rocket thruster, for example 400 N, has been limited now, as in the mixing element one centrifugal injector of fuel and set of jet injector of an oxidizer that is required to minimization of volumes of bunging channels and support of the maximum uniformity of distribution of oxidizer film and fuel on a surface of the combustor is used only.
For increase of efficiency by again developed liquid rocket thruster with deflector centrifugal mixing scheme work by definition of the optimum form and reduction volumes of bringing fuel channels of a mixing head has been spent. The bringing collector in the area giving of an oxidizer with a direct supply of an oxidizer to each jet injector, providing the maximum uniformity of a stream has been with that end in view developed at an input in jet injectors. Also the form of high-precision apertures of jet injector of the oxidizer has been developed for support of optimum distribution oxidizer film on deflector and surfaces of the combustor, providing minimum «blooming» effect of streams profile and also the new method of three dimensional electro erosive manufacturing profile micro apertures is applied.
The received results have been experimentally tested and confirmed in the engine that has allowed to received comprehensible speed, high power characteristics and steady work of the engine in wide changes range pressure of components of fuel on its inputs.
In the given work tests results of experimental engine 400 N with achievement of a specific impulse to 3030 m\s are represented also.


liquid rocket engine thrusters, deflector centrifugal mixing scheme, spray atomizer, centrifugal atomize, supply collector, injector head


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