On the prospect of using of sorbents based on carbon nanotubes in life support and rehabilitation systems

Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics


Danilin A. N.*, Karandin V. I.1**, Rabinsky L. N.2***, Rozhkov A. G.1**

1. The 3rd Central Military Clinical Hospital of A.A. Vishnevsky, settl. Novy, Krasnogorsk district, Moscow region, 143420, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: andanilin@yandex.ru
**e-mail: sos-2004@rambler.ru
***e-mail: f9_dec@mai.ru



Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) sorption properties and prospects for their use as biocompatible sorbents for life support and rehabilitation systems are investigated.


CNTs has been synthesized using technologies of chemical vapor deposition method on the catalyst systems of Fe/Al2O3 and Co/Al2O3. The sorption efficiency of sorbents is demonstrated in experiments with blood plasma and lymph of 12 donors. Biochemical content indices of the main blood and lymph ingredients are used for controlled criteria of the sorption capacity. Those indices determine the ingredient concentrations that characterize the state of the cell, organ, and general homeostasis in various diseases.


Sorption efficiency of CNTs was demonstrated in relation to a number of ingredients of the plasma of blood and lymph. It allows considering CNTs as selective sorbents, which is of great interest for medical applications.
CNTs have high sorption activity against a number of substances. The sorption efficiency of CNTs depends on the catalyst on the basis of which they were received. Microscopic comparative analysis of CNTs (Co) and CNTs (Fe) revealed significant differences in the structure of the agglomerates. Agglomerates of CNTs (Co) as against of agglomerates of CNTs (Fe) have a more compact structure and smaller size which seems to affect the sorption properties.

Research limitations/implications

Further studies involve the study of the toxic properties of carbon nanotubes and development of technologies for the chemical modifications for biocompatibility and improvement of the sorption properties.


The results may be of interest to the efferent medicine associated with extracorporeal detoxification of the blood and lymph, and life support systems.
Sorbent specificity manifested most clearly with respect to bilirubin (BiliT). The average percentage of BiliT-elimination (removal) reaches more than 60% for plasma and 50% for lymph when using a CNTs (Fe). This result is of great importance, as is rarely to reduce BiliT-level by more than 30% using modern coal sorbents. High sorption specificity found also for Gluc, TR, and AlbG.


carbon nanotubes, biocompatible sorbents, efferent therapy, systems of life support and rehabilitation, chemical vapor deposition method, sorption efficiency and specificity


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