Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
e-mail: ibug@yandex.ru
A model and a numerical method are proposed to investigate both thermal and mechanical effects of radiation fluxes of various physical natures to thin-walled multilayered composite aircraft constructions. It is supposed that these actions can be reduced to non-uniform heating of construction, thickness change and formation of a non-stationary pressure profile on a surface. Applicability conditions of these assumptions are discussed.Computations of parameters of thermal and mechanical actions are carried out in quasi- one-dimensional approach (it is considered that thickness ofconstructions and spall sizes are significantly less than the radiation effects spot sizes). Earlier models of thermal and mechanical effects of radiation and uniform numerical code were used for carrying out these computations. The database focused in this problem is a part of a code. It significantly facilitates carrying out computing of thin-walled aircraft constructions.
Deformation of thin-walled aircraft constructions damaged by radiation is considered on the basis of two-dimensional shell models. The dynamic equations are formulated for orthotropic uniformly heated shell of variable thickness and the constitutive equations proposed by Yu. N. Rabotnov for orthotropic materials are used. To solve the formulated initial-boundary value problem the finite difference schema is used. The general case of non-uniform spatial quadrangular grid is considered. Shear and tangential forces are defined in the middle of cells and both the displacements and the moments are defined in nodes. The schema has the second order of accuracy on temporary and spatial variables if the grid is uniform. Practical criteria of stability of the used schema are formulated using Neumanns criteria.
Using the obtained numerical results the applicability of the developed approach, algorithm and software to estimate the performance of thin-walled laminated orthotropic composite structures of flying vehicles subjected to the combined thermal and mechanical effects of radiations fluxes is shown.
computing, non-steady deformation, composite orthotropic shells, mechanical and thermal effects of radiation,References
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