Creation of the SaaS-application for competitive analysis in the aviation sector


Babenko E. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The purpose of this research to develop mathematical models and algorithms for competitive analysis that would help to investigate the dynamics of inter-firm interactions (B2B) in the aviation industry (AI), and create software to use these models and algorithms, and design competitive strategy for the aircraft companies.
Competition in the sector of aviation facilities (SAF) is a complex system, which includes not only aircraft manufacturers, but also certain types of aircraft (fighters of the 5th generation, unmanned aircrafts, etc), because their functions are often the same and /or overlap.
Its subsystems are major manufacturers of aircraft, new entrants, substitute products, suppliers, customers and complementors (implicit market participants, which increase or decrease the attractiveness of certain products in the market). Elements of the system are intelligent agents that correspond to each of the considered subsystems. The structure of the system is a multi-layered fractal graph Г(Fik), where k — type of force (the main competitors, suppliers, etc.), i - level of the hierarchy, whose vertices are the elements of the system, and edges the relationship between them. This representation of the SAF or all aicraft market enables companies to analyze the situation in the market in its entirety and with the maximum number of relationships, which in turn provides the optimal production strategies.
The mathematical model were created to describe the interaction of agents based on the theory of compromise gaming and algorithms initiation model of competitive analysis (CA), and the method of calculating the results of the CA, allowing decision-makers from the manufacturer of aircraft to make strategic decisions.
It was also designed and developed the software in the form of SaaS-application CA (API, architecture, database design, etc. have been developed by).
Results of SaaS-applications are profits schedule as a recommendation for decision-makers in the allocation of market shares of its main players and recommendations for choosing of competitive strategy.
Thus, we have shown that a systematic analysis of competition in the airline industry is highly relevant, and it requires the development of new models and methods. Competition in the SAF is presented as a complex system whose elements are the agents-companies. To describe the interaction of agents, a set of mathematical models and algorithms was created, as well as methods of calculating the results of the SC.
For the application of mathematical models software was developed and tested as SaaS-applications for spacecraft manufacturers OAT to develop a marketing strategy of one of the manufacturers of the aircraft.


competitive analysis of the aviation industry, mathematical and agent-based modeling, SaaS-application


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