Determination of rockets angular position in relation to engine thrust misalignment during the rotation depending on random law

Spacecraft and Rockets


Komissarenko A. I.

Instrument Design Bureau named after academician A.G. Shipunov, 59, Shcheglovskaya Zaseka str., Tula, 300001, Russia



It is known that engine misalignment takes a special place in missile distribution. The rocket is twisted around longitudinal axis in order to avoid a significant dispersion. Since stability of missiles is achieved by means of aerodynamics, the twist around longitudinal axis is known as rotational movement along the axis. Rocket rotation is implemented with the help of skewed blades while missile is moving in the transport-launch container and with the help of stabilizers (wings) angled to the longitudinal axis. Rocket rotation significantly reduces the dispersion. This article presents issues connected with analytical determination of missile angular position such as velocity vector angle and slide angle depending on the value of angular spinning velocity. Rotation in this article is replaced by sinusoidal disturbance, because of the fact that in general it is not possible to determine the missile angular position in closed form by means of summarized rotation from the skewed blades while the missile is moving inside the transport-launch container and from skewed stabilizers, wings. The solution to this problem is divided into separate stages which are multiple of sinusoidal influence half-periods. The disturbance from half-periods is replaced by an average integral value.
As result, a general solution to the task of the velocity vector angular position and slide angle determination is obtained. The results are used in the theoretical and experimental research.


motor thrust misalignment, identification of missile movement trajectory


  1. Gantmakher F.R., Levin L.M. Teoriya poleta neupravlyaemykh raket (Flight theory of unguided missiles), Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1959, 360 p. — informational site of MAI

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