A method of assessing effectiveness of multi-purpose aircraft systems and individual units at the early aircraft design stages


Dolgov O. S.*, Dolgova T. V., Lyakishev M. A.**

Experimental Design Bureau "Sukhoi", 23B, Polikarpov str., p/b 604, Moscow, 125284, Russia

*e-mail: dolgov@mai.ru
**e-mail: maximmai@mail.ru


The research was aimed at developing a method of assessing the effectiveness of usage of multi-purpose aircraft systems and individual units (MPSU) on the advanced military aircraft during early stages of their design.
The paper adduces the analysis of the possible ways of using MPSU on the advanced types of military aircraft.
The further increase of the aircraft efficiency depends on attaining several conflicting objectives in the field of aerodynamics, layout design, combat survivability, reliability and operation of aircraft. This in turn induces in a wide search for new design solutions. The separate further improvement in each of these individual areas is often ineffective due to the high degree of systems integration and interconnection. One of the most promising ways of solving these conflicting problems together as a complex consists in the application of design methods, which ensure the multi-purpose usage of individual units and systems of the airplane.
The groups of aircraft parameters, which are significantly influenced by the usage of the MPSU, were identified and structured. Partial and integral criteria of effectiveness of aircraft with MPSU were allocated.
The research included identification of the areas, in which the usage of the multi-purpose systems and units is the most relevant for improving the aircraft performance. Such areas include aircraft structure, systems and equipment. The control systems were identified as the most promising area for MPSU usage. In particular, it is advantageous to install the rotary actuators, which would act both as actuators and load- carrying structural elements of the flight control device, inside the aircraft control surfaces. Such solution creates additional space for extra fuel tanks in the fixed part of the wing, reduces the weight and moments of inertia of the control system and improves the aircraft maintenance characteristics.
The research helped to determine the main parameters in various areas of aircraft design, which are influenced by usage of MPSU most of all.
The results of the work allowed to compile a flowchart diagram, which presents the developed methodology for MPSU effectiveness assessment. This diagram shows the application of both consecutive and parallel methods of determination of the integral criterion of economic effectiveness, which are based on simultaneous definition of the required parameters in various design fields.
Thus, by using this approach it is possible to assess the effectiveness of the proposed versions of multi- purpose systems and units within the structure of the advanced aircraft already at the early design stages. Findings
The research resulted in the development of a new approach to the problem of assessment of the effectiveness of usage of multi-purpose individual units and systems on the advanced military-aircraft. Originality/value
Application of the developed method in aircraft design will allow to reduce the required costs and time as well as increase the quality of the results of design activities.


multi-purpose aircraft systems and individual units (MPSU), layout, control system, integral criterion of economic efficiency


  1. Eger S.M., Lyseytcev N.K. Proektirovanie samoletov (Aircraft design), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1983, pp. 34 (616 p.).
  2. Shumilov I.S. Systemy upravleniya rulyami samoletov (Control systems of airplane control surfaces), Moscow, MGTU im. Baumana, 2009, pp. 194 (469 p.).

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