The monitoring methods for technical systems reliability

Spacecraft and Rockets


Zolotov A. A.*, Nurullaev E. D.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The reliability ensuring problems of space-rocket products are considered. The space-rocket products reliability at various life cycle stages is analyzed with the help of change forecasting models. The analytical model of space-rocket products reliability indicators estimation is presented. Depending on tests the results of analytical model allow to receive different reliability characters corresponded to the stages of tests and operations. It follows that with increasing of workout cycles refusals number the law of «growing old type» corresponded to operational stage is forming and with decreasing of refusals number on workout time the model of «burning out refusals» corresponded to tests stage is forming. The maintenance parameters of numerical evaluating method are presented based on tests results. Against the traditional model the presented method reflects the real units functioning processes more adequately, for example, the real maintenance character of refused elements replacement is considered; the law of «growing old type» units reliability allocating is used; stationary and non-stationary operating units mode are considered.
The space-rocket products of non-failure operation and refusal intensity probability of forecasting technique are presented. The technique is based on estimation of real tests results parameters with the help of distribution law.
The method of space-rocket products non-failure operation is presented. The method is based on maintenance complex model and allows to solve problems about maintenance parameters forecasting for various applied tasks and wide range of basic data. The increasing control efficiency actions were carried out for analyses of space-rocket products reliability and safety.
The space-rocket products non-failure operation increased by usage of maintenance strategy for permitting product modifications and anticipatory admission are investigated. The method algorithms are presented. The presented methods operability is illustrated on model examples.
The obtained results can be used during the development and operating of highly-reliable space-rocket systems by technical and engineering employees in construction offices, scientific-research institutes, scientific-production associations, scientific-production enterprises.


reliability, maintenance, replacement periodicity, refusal intensity


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