The method of power losses reduction in switching shunt regulator

Electrotechnology. Electromechanics


Gordeyev A. V.1, Sidorov A. S.*, Khoroshko A. Y.2**

1. Compani «Information satellite systems of academician M.F. Reshetnev», 52, Lenin str., Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972, Russia
2. Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy av., Krasnoyarsk, 660014, Russia



The paper examines a new method of power loss reduction in switching shunt regulator. The main idea of the method is to recuperate the excess energy accumulated in cable line due to solar array capacitance discharge into load. Recuperation is implemented with the help of shunt switch additional control law that is called in the paper as a nested relay control. The nested relay control assumes that at the moment when solar array capacitance discharge current exceeds the predetermined limit the shunt switch turns off and the current flows through the load.
To implement this control law a schematic was proposed. The schematic consists of a current sensor, a comparator and OR logic element. An experimental was developed. The model features the output power of 700 W and operating frequency of 10 kHz. As a power supply for the shunt regulator a solar array simulator with analogous dynamic performance was developed.
Experimental studies of the shunt regulator model with the new control law showed that power loss in cable lines that connect the solar array with shunt regulator was reduced at least by 25% while power loss increase in semiconductor switches was negligible. Design procedure of the new schematic solution is proposed.
The design procedure allows calculating the comparator thresholds when cable line inductance and solar array capacitance are known. The proposed schematic and the control law are assumed to be utilized in spacecraft power supply systems. The advantage of the proposed schematic as opposed to known solutions is that the schematic doesnt redistribute energy accumulated in the solar array capacitance among shunt regulator components and the components of specially developed devices but transfers the excess energy to the load.


switching shunt regulator, conduction losses, switching losses


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