The analysis of joint effects of additive white gaussian noise and random impulse noise on information and synchronization channels of space communication radio link

Electronics, Radio and Communications


Vazhenin N. A.



Previous experimental researches showed there can be an impulse noise connected with an activity of stationary plasma thrusters (SPT) in space communication systems and also caused by static discharges in around object medium, effect of micrometeorites, etc.
The analysis of joint effect of an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and a random impulse noise on the characteristics of the immunity to noise of space communication radio systems is carried out. The analysis is performed taking into account effects of observed interferences both on the information channel, and on channels of phase and symbolical synchronization. Main principles of development and usage of imitative models of space communication radio systems are considered.
Conducting of the modeling with usage of one of the following algorithms of symbolical synchronization is possible: Gardners algorithm, Gardners algorithm with wide gates, algorithm with leading and retarding time gating, square algorithm, algorithm M&M and algorithm of ideal synchronization. The system of phase synchronization on the given interval of a time executes an estimation of average shift of an arrival signal phase.
With usage of imitative models for radio signal FBPSK, the dependencies of probability of a bit error on signal-to-noise and signal-to-pulse-noise ratios are determined. Effect of the pulse noise is essential to signal-to-noise ratios of about 10 ... 12 dB and signal- to-pulse-noise ratios smaller than 20 dB. Thus energetic loss at the expense of the pulse noise can affect from units to tens dB, depending on signal-to-noise and signal-to-pulse-noise ratios. An essential effect of timing recovery errors on the communication system noise immunity leading to energetic loss approximately in 1 dB is also shown.
The received results can be used at designing stage for choosing the parameters of space communication systems and systems of timing and phase recovery; they can also be used to analyze the effects of impulse noise on the operation of space radio communication systems.


space communication, impulse noise, noise immunity, timing and phase recovery


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