Application of situational modeling for target distribution of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles

Control and navigation systems


Pototskii M. V.*, Rodionov A. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



This paper discusses the use of situational modeling for the control process, target distribution of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) during the interception of air targets in the attacking mode. General block diagram of the control system of situational type is presented. The method of situational modeling is based on three principles. The first one supposes the possibility of situation classification. The second principle is based on the idea of using special formal means (languages of knowledge presentation) while describing the object under control, the processes of its functioning, and the environment. Such means secure completeness of description for the objects under control and equivalence to the real process. The third principle supposes building the model of object control or the model of entering solutions.
Examples of resultant rules used for the description of target distribution algorithm are presented also. They allow adequate description for tactical situations using numerical and logical values, and building a decision tree of the target distribution algorithm. The prediction unit comprising extrapolator is the most important part of the target distribution algorithm. This unit provides forecasts for the behavior of the enemy and of the friendly UAV, simulation for all possible options of target distribution, as well as obtaining of the simulation result for the certain tactical situation and selection of the best option based on the given criterion of efficiency of this algorithm. The extrapolator includes the models of UAV and targets, and comprises a unit to control such models. Mathematical model for the UAV description is presented, which includes dynamic and kinematic equations of the mass center motion and kinematic equations of motion relative the UAV mass center in case of the gliding angle and side acceleration . The presented mathematical model allows adequate description for the controlled objects (UAV and targets) and the control processes proceeding in the objects of control. The criterion of efficiency evaluation is formulated for the suggested target distribution model. It characterizes the number of targets shot down during the minimum attack time. An example of efficiency evaluation for the target distribution algorithm is presented also.


unmanned aerial vehicles, situational modeling, target distribution


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