Optimization of low thrust trajectory to the jupiter flight with two gravity assists near the earth

Spacecraft and Rockets


Konstantinov M. S.*, Orlov A. A.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: mkonst@bk.ru
**e-mail: BossTanaka@rambler.ru


Interplanetary trajectory of the spacecraft
Trajectory optimization of the spacecraft with electric propulsion to the Jupiter flight using the sequence of two gravity assists near the Earth
Trajectory design analysis of the Jupiter spacecraft path with electric propulsion using the sequence of two gravity assists near the Earth and comparison of this path with simpler ones. Development of optimization method for interplanetary flight trajectories with the help of gravity assists sequence.
Basis methodical approach is the Pontryagins maximum principle. Formulation of four point boundary value problem with consideration of gravity assists optimality conditions performing.
Continuation method is the basic idea for the solution to boundary value problem.
Optimality conditions for both possible cases of gravity assist are obtained and performed (the case where the gravity assist is performed with the minimum perigee altitude of hyperbole flight path and the case where this altitude is higher than the minimum perigee altitude).
Formulation of four point boundary value problem including the optimality conditions for gravity assists.
Four point boundary value problem is presented. Optimal conditions for gravity assists are presented.
The spacecraft trajectory characteristics to the Jupiter flight using the sequence of two gravity assists near the
Earth are shown.
Trajectory design analysis to the Jupiter flight with for transport system which is based on the launcher "Angara — 5′, chemical upper stage KVTK and electric propulsion using the sequence of two gravity assists near the Earth is presented.
Comparison of trajectory design analysis for three flight paths (direct flight, one gravity and two gravity assists near the Earth) to the Jupiter flight is presented.
Practical implications
During the development of programs for advanced space studies, for research of the giant planets. In the analysis of complicated interplanetary flight paths including gravity maneuvers.
The method of trajectory optimization of the spacecraft with electric propulsion to Jupiter flight using the sequence of two gravity assists near the Earth is developed. Using the necessary optimal conditions of maximum principle the formulation of four point boundary value problem is presented.
The peculiarity of the formulation is consideration of two feasible gravity assists realization (the case where the gravity assist is performed with the minimum perigee altitude of hyperbole flight path and the case where this altitude is higher than the minimum perigee altitude). It is shown that flight to Jupiter using the sequence of two gravity assists near the Earth can significantly increase the mass of spacecraft delivered in the vicinity of the Jupiter about 560 kg (from 6425 to 6985 kg) in comparison with the flight path using a gravity assist near the Earth.


spacecraft for the Jupiter, trajectory optimization, gravity assists, electric propulsion, four point boundary value problem


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