Research of influence of residual tension in the zone of the arrangement of the crack on the rate of its growth at cyclic loading

Mechanical Engineering


Potapov S. D.*, Perepelitsa D. D.*

Central Institute of Aviation Motors, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya St., Moscow, 111116, Russia



With use of special samples simulators pilot researches of growth rate of a crack in the conditions of action of the residual squeezing tension which size is characteristic for the high-loaded details of aviation engines are conducted. On the basis of the settlement pilot studies including definition on models of high level of intense of the deformed condition of special samples simulators with cracks and definition, by means of a fractography, a step between grooves, the kinetic charts of growth rate of a crack in a material of special samples in the conditions of action of residual compression stresses tension are received.
Values of the stress intensity factor in points of the front of a crack were determined by results of elastic calculation and were corrected, for taking note of residual compression stresses. Results of experimental determination of growth rate the cracks received on a basis the fractography researches of real disks, in the conditions of action of residual compression stresses practically coincides with results of the calculations executed with use of the offered way that confirms possibility of settlement forecasting of durability taking into account the offered way.
The way is developed for taking into account influence the residual compression stresses arising in zones of concentration of tension as a result of hardening of a material at its elastic-plastic deformation on the growth rate of a crack
The held testing showed good coincidence of results of the calculations executed with use of the offered way, to the data obtained on the basis of pilot studies of growth rate of cracks in disks of aviation engines.
The received results testify to influence of residual compression stresses on the growth rate of a crack and to need of the accounting of residual compression stresses for zones of concentration of tension at an assessment of durability of critical details of aviation engines.


growth rate of a crack, fracture strength, equation Parisa, fractography, residual tension


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