The analysis of noise immunity of the quadrature compensator of impulse noise

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems


Vazhenin N. A.



Modern and perspective space vehicles (SV) widely use electric rocket engines (ERE) for an attitude control and space vehicle orbit correction as well as in the capacity of sustainers. As it has shown probing, under certain conditions data ERE except thermal noise radiation can form radiation in the form of a random pulse sequence in microwave band.
The considerable quantity of methods of struggle against an impulse noise is known. The most known algorithm is the base algorithm in which the received signal after a filtering in a wide band of the receiver is subjected to a limiting, and then filtering in the band matched with a spectrum of an information signal (i.e. in the matched filter). The given algorithm of struggle against an impulse noise has shown high enough efficiency and is widely used in practice in a case when the width of a pulse noise spectrum is much more than width of an information signal spectrum.
The offered algorithm differs fr om the known one which detection and impulse noise cut implements for. Signal interpolation on the interval wh ere an impulse noise is besides made. The algorithm singularity is its implementation in the form of the interconnected quadrature channels.
Taking into account nonlinear character of an impulse noise compensation algorithms use of analytical methods for probing of their characteristics is coupled to significant mathematical difficulties. In the present paper on the basis of simulation methods the comparative analysis of efficiency of several pulse noise compensation algorithms is carried out and questions of their parameters optimization are observed.
Mathematical models of a communication system have been realized in the environment of MATLAB/ Simulink. Results on an instance the channel of digital communication the Earth-SV are observed. It was supposed, that modulation in the form of the FBPSK is used by filters of type of the raised cosine.
The carried out analysis and results of modeling show, that the offered algorithm of the impulse noise quadrature compensation in the conditions of combined affecting AWGN and pulse noise allows to gain BER (Bit Error Rate) in comparison with the base algorithm. So, for the optimum thresholds of limiting and detection pulse noise at a Eb/No on a receiver input 5 dB the benefit will be approximately twice, and at a Eb/No 10 dB — to 4 times and over (for signal to pulse noise ratio from 0 to 5 dB).
Observed compensation algorithm is expedient for using in a combination to the channel of measurement of current level of the AWGN and an impulse noise for detection of optimum value of a threshold. The received results can be used at designing and selection of parameters of space communication systems.


space communication, pulse noise, pulse noise compensation


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