Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
This article describes the problem and the current state of the transceiver modules (TM) of active phased array antenna and digital antenna arrays (DAA), as the next stage of their development. Structure of the DAA in which TM consist of highly stable grid frequency synthesizers synchronized by digital reference generator was considered. Exception complex microwave wiring and traditional phase shifters change on digital devices beamforming (quadrature modulators) requires substantiation requirements for hardware components. Particular attention is paid to the frequency range from 4 to 12 GHz.
The TM is the key element in proposed DAA and its characteristics depend on power amplifiers. Implementation of multibeam increases the potential energy required for DAA, which leads to an increase in the required TM output power of 2050 watts. Accurate calibration of the DAR and the creation of multibeam patterns on the transfer requires a small discrete value of the amplitude and phase, which imposes restrictions on the operation of the power amplifierset out the main power amplifiers requirements for on- board DAR — frequency range, linearity, output power level.
The article describes GaN transistors, which usage requires new development and modeling methods for designing monolithic integrated circuit of power amplifiers; the advantages and disadvantages of proposed TM for DAA are discussed. Features of the use of multisection transistors and assembly technology for power GaN transistors are discussed. High cutoff frequency of GaN transistors allows creation of ultra- wideband power amplifiers up to 20 GHz and its efficiency up to 30%.
High values of power added efficiency and power density per unit gate width using AlGaN / GaN pHEMT provide the significant reduction in weight and size of power amplifiers based on them that determines their applications for on-board radioelectronic systems. Keywords: GaN power amplifier, digital antenna array, digital beamforming.
GaN power amplifier, digital antenna array, digital beamformingReferences
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