To V.N. Chelomeys 100th anniversary
Military industrial corporation «NPO Mashinostroyenia», 33, Gagarina str., Reutov, Moscow region, 143966, Russia
e-mail: mpalkin@km.ru
This paper presents a review of the following issues for the satellite formation flying design and control problem: group configuration, reference orbit formation, intergroup subordination. Results are based on the mathematical simulation of formation flying on low earth orbits.
The term «formation flying» implies movement at least of two satellites with maximum distance between them which is much less than the length of the orbit. Satellites maintain their location with respect to the reference («central») orbit. According to the term the two types of formations can be defined: order (array) implies constant group formation; cluster («swarm») allows variable intersatellite distance.
The first well-known method for group configuration implies periodic impulse correction of each flying satellite position formation [5]. This fuel wasteful method allows array formation. Another energy efficient method provides configurations of satellites on nocoplanar orbits two times a loop (cluster formation). Other methods include either combination of methods mentioned above or exotic ways of flight formation (using electromagnetic forces [3], rigid connection of satellites and so on).
Three main methods of reference orbit formation are presented: following the leader satellite [2]; forming the reference orbit indirectly by making each satellite follow its priory defined orbit; periodic automatic estimation or the reference orbit parameters subject to current parameters of satellites and optimization criteria (minimal fuel cost, minimal time of formation, etc.).
Described control structures for formation flying satellites include: single-level structure of satellites with equal possibilities; two-level structure with a leader. The leader is authorized to control «slave» satellites (so called «total hierarchical» structure), to broadcast each «slave» personal trajectory data («hierarchical» structure) or to broadcast leader personal trajectory data («lite hierarchical» structure). Multilevel structure is introduced.
formation flying spacecraft, order, cluster, formation, central (reference) orbit, leader satellite, «slave» satellite, single-level control structure, hierarchical control structureReferences
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