Spacecraft and Rockets
*, **Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
*e-mail: georg@energomen.ru
**e-mail: LukovkinRO@ya.ru
It is proposed to use crash-boxes instead of traditional honeycomb elements in the spacecraft landing shock-absorbing device. The developed design- parameter selection procedure provides a safe spacecraft landing process.
The spacecraft is considered as a point mass equipped with a single support contacting the ground. The formulated problem of non-stationary dynamics is solved using the finite element method, the explicit integration procedure, and the combined MSC.Dytran- MSC.Patran software.
It is assumed, that this single support may include one or more branches of energy-absorbers. Each branch is a group of crash-boxes connected in series by support rings. Axes of the same-branch crash-boxes are aligned. There are three structural schemes of the considered landing device: 1) the single-branch device, 2) the device made of two parallel branches, 3) the device made of two non-parallel branches.
Kinematic and dynamic transients of the specified structural schemes are integrated till the spacecraft point- mass unit overload is obtained. The simulation time- dependent curves characterize the spacecraft landing velocity and acceleration. It is shown, that the point- pass overload level provided by the crash-boxes is close to the overload level provided by the traditional honeycomb elements. Advantage of the proposed crush-box support is its effective damping the peak shock loads.
It is shown, that non-availability of plastic hinges in the absorbing device is the necessary condition of stability of the spacecraft landing process. Longitudinal shock conditions are the most favorable ones for effective shock-absorbing by a separate crush-box. The proposed new non-parallel structural scheme provides the specified longitudinal-shock landing mode.
The obtained simulation results show, that the yielded crash-boxes can provide up to 40% mass saving of the landing-device. These practices may be used by spacecraft engineers for developing future landing devices of re-entering vehicles and interplanetary space-stations.
spacecraft, lander legs, crash-box, numerical simulationReferences
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