Optimization of the process of developing aircraft with two-level system management of project implementation

Spacecraft and Rockets


Matveev Y. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: matveev_ya@mail.ru


Statement of research problem
Multilevel optimization scheme aircraft development process includes two tasks. On the top i-first level solves the problem of optimization of process of formation of system LA, specifies requirements for the reliability of subsystems and distribution of costs and development time, the establishment and operation. At the bottom i — th level optimization problem is formulated and the process of developing the aircraft reliability of its elements.
These detailed analysis of the development process for i - th (lower) level of management development take into account peculiarities of the project (technical and technological constraints). When implementing a two- tier scheme of project management are used to clarify (adaptation) project dependencies on the top i-first level. Thus, when conducting a coordinated process optimization project of LA (at the i-1st level) and process development aircraft (for i - th level) than the above direct links in the development of multi-level governance model implemented adaptation of the top- level test data models for the lower level.
The paper presents a coherent statement of the problem of two-level optimization of the development process and ensure the reliability of the aircraft and the algorithm for its solution.
Research technique
To solve the problem stated above is used statistical method agreed a two-level optimization. Implementing a multi-level optimization process of formation and reliability of aircraft to reduce the number of variable variables dealing with the related extremal problems at every level of development management, simplifies the search for optimal solutions.
Research results
The problem of optimizing the process of formation and system reliability is formulated as a multi-criteria, multi-parameter. The main criterion - the total project costs, which depend on the reliability of subsystems during the design, creation, the duration and scope of testing stages when developing. Are calculated according to the appropriate definition of the function changes the reliability and distribution costs allocated stages of the project.
The features of the process of formation and implementation of system reliability LA. The optimal control of the development of requirements for the reliability of subsystems at the end of the design phase and in the late phase of not the same. Load increase, for example, the duration of operation leads to an increase in the reliability requirements, and the necessary reliability gains for selected elements are different. Obviously, due to different points marked «cost of reliability» for subsystems RK. Results of a comprehensive study of the process of development in the presence of restrictions on the duration of the stage creating a show that a decrease in the duration of creating the project costs are rising, due to a flaw and the relatively low level of reliability of the system, the need to increase the number of aircraft for the job. These costs are also rising with increasing duration more. Calculations show that while reducing development time cost effective additional cost of ground testing stage, to increase reliability and to study the conditions of «life» of the next steps.


development process, reliability of the aircraft, two-level model for managing the development, cost of funds for the project, the restriction on the duration of the project. References


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