Aerospace propulsion engineering
*, **, ***Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: david@gbrl.ru
**e-mail: vasily_semenov@mail.ru
***e-mail: uteshev_aleksei@mail.ru
The purpose of this work is to analyze existing systems for thermo magnetic energy devices for wide spectrum of application and to describe the optimal magnetic system for thermomagnetic engines (TME).
The revue about magnetic systems for thermomagnetic energy devices based on permanent magnets (magnetic cooling machine, magnetic thermal generators and thermomagnetic engine) was done. The publications for the last 5 years were considered. It was proposed to classify the magnetic systems used in thermomagnetic energy conversion technologies in three groups.
For magneto caloric refrigerators and thermo magnetic engine its magnetic systems have a fundamental difference in the distribution of magnetic induction along the active working ferromagnetic body.
For refrigerators magnetic systems requirements are:
- to achieve the maximum possible values of themagnetic induction in the gap of the system;
- obtaining a uniform magnetic field (grad(B/x) =0).
- Systems for thermomagnetic engine meets the following requirements:
- ensuring high peak values of magnetic induction in the working volume of the magnetic system ( ≥ 0,6 T);
- creation of a long and continuous growth of the magnetic induction to ensure acceleration of working ferromagnetic elements;
- ensuring slump drop of the magnetic induction values in the distribution of the magnetic field at the output of MS to reduce the duration of forces, braking rotor.
Research limitations/implications
This research provides development of non-traditional methods of mechanical or electrical energy production based on thermomagnetic effects.
There is a lack of magnetic system designing data for thermomagnetic energy devices described in literature and, on the contrary, there are a number of works in which presents an analysis of the existing systems for magnetic refrigeration. The magnetic refrigeration systems are introduced different criteria for evaluating the effectiveness and feasibility of the application of a system [15] and examines possible field configuration and geometry of magnetic systems [4, 510].
thermomagnetic engine, magnetic system, permanent magnet, magnetocaloric systems, magnetic refrigerationReferences
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