Simulation model of electrostatic discharges impact on spacecraft on-board cable network

Electronics, Radio and Communications


Kirillov V. Y.1*, Klykov A. V.2**, Nguyen V. H.2***, Tomilin M. M.2**

1. ,
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



When in service on various orbits in the course of and after magnetic storms differential charging of spacecraft structure members takes place. As a result ASD occur. Effecting external shields ESDs generate conductive EMI in inner conductors of spacecraft on- board cables leading to malfunctioning and failures in operation of spacecraft equipment. Due to its significant length the spacecraft on-board cable network is main receptor on exposure to EMI generated by ESD.
Therefore, to provide required noise immunity of spacecraft electronic units and equipment of space vehicles, it is necessary to know the levels of currents and voltages in on-board cable network on exposure to EMI generated by ESD. The accuracy of calculations depends on selection of an adequate model of ESD impact on spacecraft on-board cable network.
The goal of the paper is design and implementation of conductive electromagnetic interferences in spacecraft on-board cable network calculation algorithm using MATLAB.
A theoretical part is based on classical electrodynamics and electrical engineering. Also elements of complex variable theory and operational calculus were used.
The paper presents mathematical models of electrostatic discharge impact on external shield, shielded and non-shielded spacecraft on-board cable twisted pairs of wires. Algorithm for calculating conductive electromagnetic interferences in spacecraft on-board cables, generated by electrostatic discharges, is described. An example of a pulse voltage waveform over the inner conductor of non-shielded twisted pair obtained with MATLAB is presented. research.
Research limitations/implications
The present paper provides a part of spacecraft on-board cables electromagnetic interferences calculation research.


on-board cable, twisted pair of wires, coupling admittance, coupling impedance, electrostatic discharge


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